Work At A Worst Company In America Competitor? We Want To Hear From You

See the full bracket HERE.
While most of the companies that make it to the WCIA bracket each year tend to stay publicly humble about the honor of being nominated, we do know of a handful that have had intra-office discussions on the topic.
Most famously is Comcast, which somehow thought it could get away with a huge posting on its internal website asking employees to vote for Charter in 2011. That backfired, of course, when dozens of Comcast employees e-mailed us about it. Oops.
Then last year, Ticketmaster took a slightly more subtle approach to alerting employees to the competition, with an e-mail from the CEO’s office to staffers encouraging them to vote for Spirit Airlines.
Speaking of Spirit, the carrier is one of the few companies to acknowledge its inclusion in the tournament, telling reporters in 2012 that it “must not be our customers” who are voting against the airline, implying that profitability is the only indicator of a good business.
When last year’s winner, EA, was asked about getting the Golden Poo, it attempted to defend itself to the press by saying it’s not as bad a company as previous winners like BP, Halliburton, and AIG. That’s like a man on death row saying he should be set free because he’s not Ted Bundy.
Anyway, if you work at any of the current or formerly nominated companies and have anything to share — whether it’s directives from on-high or just chit-chat around the coffee machine — feel free to let us know at We will never identify you by full name or provide any information that would make it clear to your employer who you are.
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