While many opponents of the Comcast/Time Warner Cable merger were primarily concerned about putting too much control over the pay-TV and broadband markets in one company’s hands, some just really disliked Comcast for its history of abominable customer service. Now that this acquisition has failed, Comcast is promising to invest some of its money in turning that we-don’t-care image around. The company says it will be hiring thousands of new customer service staffers and customers whose Comcast techs don’t show up on time will receive $20 bill credits. [More]
money to burn

Solid Gold Diamond-Encrusted iPad Sells For $190,000
The one thing the recession has taught me is that if you’ve got money, might as well burn it! And what better way to treat yourself to a little bit of luxury than with a $190,000 solid gold, diamond encrusted iPad? [More]