Nintendo Cereal System Is Part Of Your Super Nutritious Breakfast

It’s a cereal. Wow!
Last week’s launch of the PlayStation 4 wasn’t all that exciting. It was missing something… some would say a look at the actual PS4. But Sony should consider adding what every good game console needs: a branded breakfast cereal. They should take as a model this 1989 commercial for Nintendo cereal from Ralston-Purina.
The kids in the commercial run around after Mario, to a jingle that’s been lodged in my head since 1989, and their heads are encased in televisions for some reason.
You may wonder what makes a cereal a “system.” Well, there are two different cereals in one box: one based on Super Mario Bros. and one on the original Legend of Zelda.

The cereal shapes are, of course, super-accurate. Here are the Zelda ones:
That teddy bear looks just like Link, doesn’t it? And the Mario ones:
…Those aren’t so bad, except for Stick Figure Mario.
1989 Nintendo Cereal System commercial [YouTube]
A Gallery Of Terrible (Or Amazing) Cereal Boxes
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