If you happened to walk away from CES in Las Vegas with a few bits of Razer tech that don’t belong to you, the CEO of the company would like to have a word about two prototype devices that have gone missing. [More]
what’s mine is not yours

Couple Claims Car Dealership Employee Stole Intimate Photos, Sent Them To Swingers’ Site
The thing about private photos is that they’re supposed to be just that: private. But a couple in Texas says not only did a car dealership employee swipe intimate photos from one of their phones, he then emailed them to a site for swingers. [More]

Alaska Air Manages To Fight Off JetBlue’s Effort To Nab Havana Flight
Now that the Department of Transportation has given approval to eight airlines to start scheduled passenger flights to Cuba’s capital city of Havana, one might think that the elbowing and jockeying for spots would be over. Not so, as some airlines are still trying to nab coveted flights from other carriers — and failing, in the case of JetBlue. [More]

United Airlines Employee Accused Of Stealing $129K Worth Of Jewelry From Passenger
Despite that popular childhood chant, finders is not keepers in the adult world, which is why a United Airlines employee is in hot water for allegedly boosting $129,000 in jewelry that was stashed in a passenger’s lost bag. [More]

Doll Creator Taking Hasbro To Court Over “My Little Pony” Designs Files Another Lawsuit
A doll creator who’s already going to court with Hasbro for allegedly stealing her designs for new versions of My Little Pony and other toys filed an additional lawsuit this week. [More]

Getty Facing Lawsuit Over Unauthorized Licensing Of More Than 47K Images
Not long after photographer Carol Highsmith sued Getty Images for $1 billion, claiming the photo agency had copyrighted thousands of her images without her permission, Getty is facing yet another lawsuit over alleged copyright infringement. [More]

Police: Squatter Stole $300,000 In Art From San Francisco Mansion
It’s already illegal to live in a home you don’t own, but police in San Francisco say one squatter upped the criminal ante by stealing and selling more than $300,000 worth of paintings from a mansion that’s on the market. [More]

Lawsuit Claims Amazon Local Stole Provider Lists, Other Info From Rival Angie’s List
Though some might say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, achieving that verisimilitude by stealing information from a competitor is not going to go over well. That’s what Angie’s List is alleging in a new lawsuit against upstart Amazon Local, a subsidiary of the ecommerce giant, claiming that the new rival on the scene boosted provider lists and other proprietary information from Angie’s website. [More]

Authorities In Three Major Cities Say Smartphone Thefts Have Dropped After Implementation Of “Kill Switches”
Times used to be, having a smartphone in your hand meant someone probably wanted to steal it. And while that may still be true, authorities in San Francisco, New York and London say the number of stolen smartphones has dropped dramatically since manufacturers started including “kill switches” that allow phones to be turned off remotely if they fall into the wrong hands. [More]

Best Buy Customer Claims Employee Stole His Identity And Used It To Buy Stuff At Best Buy
When you use your retailer credit card at one of the company’s stores, it might seem like that’s the safest place to use it. But one Best Buy customer said he feels decidedly unsafe and has lost trust in the store after an employee allegedly swiped his personal information to gain access to his store card. [More]

Netflix’s “My List” Will Decide What You Want To Watch First With Instant Queue Revamp
So you think you know what you want to watch in your Instant Queue on Netflix, huh? Or maybe you added the fourth season of Leave It To Beaver during a particularly nostalgic moment one night after visiting Grandma, and now it’s just sitting there. Unwatched. Unloved. Waiting for its chance to be first in your heart again, if not in your instant queue. Netflix’s new “My List” feature will take care of that. [More]