House Considering Three Bills That Could Erode Consumer Protections

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Our ever-vigilant parents at the Consumers Union are taking action against three new bills set to be vote on in the House of Representatives Friday, publishing a letter to show how proposed reforms in the bills would contribute to damaging many consumer protections.
In the letter, entitled “Regulatory Reform Bills Would Do ‘Irreparable Damage’ to Consumer Protections,” Consumers Union urges lawmakers to vote no on the bills, and lays out the impact they could have on consumers.
“These three bills would hamstring federal agencies from ensuring that American families are protected from problems such as tainted food, dirty air and water, unsafe drugs, invasions of privacy, and predatory financial schemes,” writes Ellen Bloom, Senior Director, Federal Policy and Washington Office.
The bills could affect everything from public health and consumer protections, small businesses and the economy overall.
“Each of these bills would do irreparable damage to a wide array of consumer protections and we call on policymakers to stand with consumers and reject them,” said Bloom.
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