3 Free Apps For Your Kindle Fire

If you sprung for a Kindle Fire this week, you’re probably looking for apps to feed your e-reading, web-surfing, movie-watching tablet. But because the device is so new it’s not immediately clear which downloads you need.
Media Bistro’s eBook Newser highlights these free apps for your perusal. All come with money-back guarantees by default, thanks to their non-existent price tags.
Zinio — Lets you read single issues of publications, including Rolling Stone and US Weekly, as well as order subscriptions.
Feedly — Aggregates news from various blogs to keep you updated on stories that interest you in one stop.
PressReader for Honeycomb — Lets you check out 2,000 publications in 95 countries.
Check out the source link for more recommendations.
5 Free News Apps For The Kindle Fire [Media Bistro eBook Newser]
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