Treat Your Baby's Mom Nice If You Live Near This Pawn Shop

Getting revenge on an ex can be tempting, and this pawn shop in Albany, NY, seems to be tapping into that desire for comeuppance in its new storefront marketing campaign.
“YOUR BABY’S DADDY DO YOU WRONG? WE’LL BUY HIS GOLD ALL DAY LONG,” reads the sign, which we assume is a joke and not an actual call for potential customers to steal an ex’s rings and necklaces. (And of course, we absolutely do not condone theft in any form, even from cheating exes.)
Regardless, the sign is a good reminder that if you’re looking to unload some gold for cash, you will likely get a better price at your local pawnshop than you would at any of those mail-in-your-gold services, so be sure to shop around.
Innovations in pawn shop marketing [ via Buzzfeed]
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