Crackle Streams Free Movies To Sony Devices, Roku
If you own a PS3 or Roku and were itching to rent Ghostbusters or A Few Good Men, hold off on adding them to the Netflix queue. Crackle, Sony’s video streaming service, will pump the movies — which aren’t available on Netflix streaming — to your TV for free.
Engadget relays Sony’s announcement that Crackle’s library of TV shows and movies will begin streaming to PS3s, Roku boxes, Sony Bravia TVs and internet-connected Sony Blu-ray players.
The resolution tops out at 480p, so hopefully you can handle the truth that you won’t be watching any stream-crossing in HD. Also, commercial interruptions Hulu watchers are used to are also there.
Engadget reported PS3’s browser crashed during Crackle streaming, although I was able to use the service without a problem. Let us know how the service works on your device.
Crackle starts streaming all of its free movies to Roku, PS3, Sony TVs and Blu-ray players [Engadget]
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