Netflix Stops Letting You Add To DVD Queue From Streaming Devices

For years, Netflix steadily made its service more user-friendly by adding devices on which it let you stream films and improving the apps that let you do so. But now the company has taken a step backward in functionality by removing the ability to add DVDs to your queue from everything but the Netflix site.
The Netflix Blog reports the move was made to improve the streaming service:
We’re doing this so we can concentrate on offering you the titles that are available to watch instantly. Further, providing the option to add a DVD to your Queue from a streaming device complicates the instant watching experience and ties up resources that are better used to improve the overall streaming functionality.
Netflix users, do you buy the explanation? If so, are you cool with losing the ability to add DVDs in exchange for more reliable streaming?
Removing “Add to DVD Queue” from Streaming Devices [Netflix Blog]
(Thanks, Todd!)
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