Dallas Morning News Trying To Get Freeloading Readers To Pay Up

Pay walls haven’t seen much success in the world of traditional media, but the Dallas Morning News is trying its hand at the brick and mortar. The newspaper will allow its print subscribers to view all content online, and will partition off some stories from readers without a $34 print or $17 monthly digital subscription. Digital-only subscriptions will allow readers to view content through browsers or via iPod or iPhone apps.
The newspaper says the plan will go into effect Feb. 15.
The Morning News cites the Wall Street Journal’s pay wall model and the New York Times’ forthcoming effort in its story announcing the plan.
Do you think pay walls will work at publications such as the Morning News, which are a cut below the likes of the Times and Journal in terms of national significance?
The Dallas Morning News announces new digital strategy, pricing [The Dallas Morning News via Movie City News]
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