Snapfish Wants To Be Really, Really Sure That You Have Enough Envelopes

Maybe photo-printing service Snapfish wasn’t purchased by HP. No, the company just might have been acquired by Santa Claus. This holiday season, they just couldn’t stop giving things away. When Paige’s mother was missing half of the envelopes for her order of 40 holiday cards, Snapfish was quick to send new ones. Three times over.
I have always had a really good experience ordering prints of digital photos for reasonable prices using Snapfish. For the past couple years, my mother has created and ordered the family’s holiday cards from Snapfish instead of making us sit through the painful process of taking a portrait with her traditional still camera. This year, my mother placed an order for 40 copies of the holiday cards that she created, complete with envelopes, from on Dec. 10th. When she received the cards a few days later,e discovered that Snapfish only included 20 envelopes with the 40 holiday cards–a slight problem when it comes to mailing out holiday greetings.
After making this discovery, my mother e-mailed Snapfish’s customer service to report the error and request an additional 20 envelopes to use with the remaining holiday cards. The customer service e-mail account at Snapfish must be monitored by several different employees (which makes sense given the size of the company and the volume of e-mails that account could receive), because my mother received three different e-mails in response to her request, each of which confirmed that envelopes would be sent to our home address via overnight mail. Although my mother thought it was unusual to receive three separate e-mails, she didn’t pay much attention to it.
Four days later, the 20 additional envelopes that were “overnighted” to our house still hadn’t arrived. My mother sent another e-mail to Snapfish customer service and was assured that the envelopes were on their way to us. Two days later, a package finally arrived from Snapfish. Of course, when we opened the package, we found not 20, but 40 additional envelopes. Annoying because of the waste involved, but it would’ve been worse to receive less than the expected 20, right?
The next day, another package arrived from containing–you guessed it–another 40 envelopes. Given that my mother received three confirmation e-mails from customer service, we’re expecting another 40 envelopes to be delivered to us any day now.
Too few, too many… Snapfish needs to get its act together when it comes to its envelopes! While I applaud their customer service for a timely and (generally) satisfactory response to my mother’s problem, it appears that they need a better customer service problem resolution tracking system!
Snapfish Sends Another Copy Of Photo Book, No One Knows Why
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