EA Won't Let Me Swap Failed Game For New One
Electronic Arts drew some friendly pats on the head for manning up and letting gamers substitute failed subscription fee-based game APB with a different title. Anthony discovered he was the victim of some fine print in the deal, though. Because he bought the game before July 16, EA says he had enough time to play the game before it shut down the servers, and thus isn’t entitled to a replacement.
Here’s a message he received from a customer service rep:
Greetings Gamer,
Thank you for contacting Electronic Arts.
Sorry for the delay. As your were previously informed, we are unable to provide any further compensation in regards to your issue due to the fact that it was purchased before July 16th. We’re currently offering compensation to the players whom did not have the chance to progress through the full extent of the game before it’s end. As you bought this before July 16th, it’s safe to assume that you had an appropriate amount of time to experience the game, and all of the content that was available. If you would still like a coupon, I will be able to provide one. However, I will not be able to compensate you with a free title. I apologize for the inconvenience.
If you have any further questions or concerns please reply to this email or visit our extensive knowledge base online at http://support.ea.com.
Thank you,
Anthony says the date was arbitrary and thinks he deserves a replacement game. What do you think?
Previously: Players Who Downloaded Failed Game On Steam Get Free Replacement
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