Charter To Customer With Five Failed Service Calls: "You Haven't Bugged Us Enough To Resolve Your Problem"

Charter tells it like it is: the problem with Eric’s incorrectly installed Internet service is that he hasn’t been trying hard enough to fix it. Here’s a copy of an email that Eric tried to send to Charter’s CEO last week, but it bounced back. Maybe someone at Charter can read it here?
I have been a Charter Communications high-speed internet subscriber since November of 2007 in Michigan. We have paid our bill on time for the last 3 years and have been pleased with our service.
Recently, we began a business account with Charter internet to obtain a static IP address at the advice of a friend who is an IT specialist. This was in order to network our computers with another office location. We made the order in early July (the 5th, I believe).
Shortly thereafter, two technicians installed a new router. Unfortunately, it was the incorrect setup, and I spoke with tech support. Another technician was sent to our office. He came on the wrong day (our office was closed, a detail of which the tech was advised) and complained about being inconvenienced. I called to complain about our treatment by this particular technician. A customer service representative said they apologized and a different tech would be sent there. This tech arrived a few days later. He stated he knew nothing about installing a static IP and left without doing anything. After another call to Charter to explain that we still did not have a working static connection, another tech came to the office. He looked at the equipment and told me it was not the correct router. He vowed to find the correct router and stated he would be back within a few days. He never came back. After a week or so, I called Charter once again. Another technician was sent. He evaluated the router and said he would return with a replacement in a few days. He returned with the exact same (incorrect) router. It was August 5th by this time.
At this point, I had had enough. It was 30 days later.
I called Charter and explained the situation. I stated I wanted to cancel my service. I felt that I had held up my end of the agreement (I had paid over $200 in advance) and Charter had not upheld their commitment. After all, it had been a month since I ordered the service. I explained I wanted the service to remain on until I had another provider install internet service. To my chagrin, service was disconnected. My business came to a standstill. My wife contacted Charter and spoke to a gentleman who after much resistance, reinstated our internet service. He also stated that we had not called enough times to get the issue resolved. We had 6 technicians visit on 5 separate visits! He promised a refund and said there would be no fee for termination of service.
Fast forward to today, September 14, 2010. I get a bill in the mail for $518.51. As you may understand, I am frustrated and upset. I spoke with a [Charter CSR], who stated that I broke the contract. I asked that given the services I was promised were not delivered, I should not be given exception. My business depends on a patent connection to the internet. He denied this continually stating that the contract had been broken and I was lucky I was getting off only paying $500.
What really frustrates me is the fact we had residential service for 3 years. We paid $54.99 a month for 3 years. That is almost $2000. Even in light of this, and the fact that services we had been ordered had not been delivered, and the incompetence of the technicians that installed the hardware, and the rudeness and lack of empathy of the customer service representatives, we were told we are on the hook for services that were never rendered. I am at my wit’s end.
Hey Charter, how can you blame the customer for breaking a contract you failed to honor?
Fortunately, after this letter was bounced back Eric managed to find a different email address and sent an EECB, which he says got a response the next day. Charter now says they’re “working on” the problem, but we haven’t heard an update yet on whether Eric has gotten his money back.
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