Check And See If Your City Is One Of America's Dirtiest

In most cases you can’t put much stock in travel magazines’ lists of the greatest cities for this or that because the selectees may well have been chosen based on what sort of advertising the publications sold at each locale.
Not so with this hilarious dirtiest cities list from Travel + Leisure, which identifies 31 stinking, nasty cesspools we call pillars of America.
New York City is No. 1, which sounds about right based on my research watching several episodes of NYPD Blue, but let’s focus on No. 19, which lumps together dirty, rotten Phoenix and one of its many suburbs, Scottsdale:
No. 19. Phoenix/Scottsdale
It’s considered a pretty quiet city, but its lack of parks may play a role in lessening people’s inclination to keep the streets clear of debris.
By calling Phoenix a “pretty city” the writer proves he’s never been downtown. Or anywhere near the East Valley.
America’s Dirtiest Cities [Travel + Leisure]
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