Schering-Plough Cares That Your Pet Ate Your Claritin

(B Rosen)
Dogs are wonderful creatures to have in your life, but they have a serious vice. They like to eat things that should not be eaten. Like paper wrappers, light bulbs, socks, and human medications. Matt’s puppy somehow got its paws on and ate seven Claritin tablets. When she called up the SPCA’s poison control center for help, Matt’s wife learned something downright heartwarming about Schering-Plough, the maker of Claritin.
I just wanted to send along a message about another good company,
because you don’t see many of them anymore.My wife and I joined some coworkers for dinner tonight and when we got
home we astonished to find that our 6 1/2 month old puppy got a hold
of the last 7 of my wife’s Claritin 24 hour tablets. We immediately
called our vet to find out what to do. He suggested to contact the
ASPCA’s 24 hour poison control hot-line because they have more
information about possible reactions from the drug than he would have.
This call will usually cost $65 to speak with someone, but when my
wife told the representative that it was Claritin she was asked for
the lot number on the box and was informed that the makers of Claritin
pay for the call when it is their product.Thank you Schering-Plough HealthCare Products Inc. for possibly saving
the life of our dog!
If you want to keep it handy, the number for the SPCA’s poison control center is (888) 426-4435, or you can get a “pet safety pack” that includes a magnet with the number. The call may cost $65, but your pet’s life is totally worth it.
We will keep you updated on the condition of Matt’s puppy. Update, 3/26: The puppy is fine.
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