Here in the Northeast, people who are allergic to pollen are having a harsh spring. They should take comfort, though, that there isn’t a corresponding shortage of allergy medicines, as there apparently was five years ago. Drug companies have learned how to take global climate data and turn it into more plentiful antihistamines when people need them. [More]

Advocacy Groups Not Exactly Thrilled About Using ‘Madagascar 3’ Characters To Sell Claritin
In addition to all the snack products and toys licensed by Dreamworks Animation to promote Madagascar 3, there’s one in particular that has some public health and children’s advocates up in arms — the packages of Claritin featuring the adorable cartoon animals from the movie. [More]

Schering-Plough Cares That Your Pet Ate Your Claritin
Dogs are wonderful creatures to have in your life, but they have a serious vice. They like to eat things that should not be eaten. Like paper wrappers, light bulbs, socks, and human medications. Matt’s puppy somehow got its paws on and ate seven Claritin tablets. When she called up the SPCA’s poison control center for help, Matt’s wife learned something downright heartwarming about Schering-Plough, the maker of Claritin. [More]