Greyhound Kicks Passenger Out Of Bus Station For Complaining To Reporter

A Greyhound security guard threatened a stranded passenger in Memphis that if she spoke with a reporter from the local news, he’d kick her out of the bus station. The reporter was there to look at why a group of passengers had been left stranded for 2 to 4 days without any communication from Greyhound, and without any sort of meal or lodging help.
When Action News 5 interviewed another stranded passenger, Cynthia Caponey, a security guard threatened to not let her back inside the station, claiming Greyhound “has that right.”
Despite the security guard’s threats, Caponey decided to be interviewed in hopes of getting help for the other passengers. After the interview, the security guard kicked Caponey out of the station, forcing her to wait outside in the cold for her bus.
“I should be able to talk to who I want to, when I want to,” Caponey said.
The woman’s son drove up to Memphis to pick her up, and Greyhound contacted the station the next day to say they were investigating the matter and would discipline the security guard. They didn’t mention anything about the stranded passengers and the Greyhound’s unwillingness to help them out in the first place.
“Greyhound bus passengers stranded in Memphis for days” [](Thanks to Kris!)
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