A couple from Oregon who were visiting Puerto Rico when Hurricane Maria hit say they were abandoned by United Airlines, forcing them to find their own way home. But their extended stay on the Caribbean island also resulted in an impromptu wedding. [More]

Don’t Forget Your Keys: Tesla Owner Stranded When “Start By Phone” Doesn’t Work
Buying a Tesla means you’re buying a whole lot of technology, including the ability to unlock, start, and drive your vehicle through the company’s app. While that’s convenient, one owner recently found that you still shouldn’t leave home without your keys. [More]

Frontier Probably Should Have Canceled More Flights Before Snow Storm
Frontier Airlines is a discount carrier, and it’s a small carrier. That was a bad combination this weekend when heavier snow than anticipated grounded planes and left travelers, planes, suitcases, and crews stranded in the wrong cities. As of today, most of Frontier’s flights are making it to their destinations, but people who missed their trips and who are separated from their bags are still very unhappy. [More]

Frontier Passengers Stranded At Denver Airport After Weekend Snowstorm
Over the weekend, severe winter weather in Denver disrupted flights in and out of Denver International Airport, having largest effect on Frontier Airlines, which is based there. Frontier canceled 275 flights across the country, which has led to a lot of frustrated customers. Some of whom were still in the airport as of this morning. [More]

Bored Hanjin Ship Crew Spends Third Week Off Coast Of Singapore
The good news for the crew of a Hanjin ship left stranded by the company’s abrupt bankruptcy is that it has plenty of food and water, something that their union worried about. Crew members even have local prepaid cell phone cards so they can stay in touch with their families. They would prefer to be at home with their families, and to know whether they’ll still have jobs or be able to find jobs once they’re finally allowed off the ship. [More]

Disruptive Passenger Leaves Fellow United Travelers Stranded In Belfast Terminal For Nearly 24 Hours
United Airlines had a decidedly less-than-stellar week when it came to dealing with larger-scale customer service issues. Just days after the company faced the ire of travelers who had to spend the night hunkered down at a cold Canadian military base, the airline found itself on the receiving end of more backlash after nearly 300 passengers and crew were made to wait five hours on the tarmac and sleep in a closed terminal after their flight was diverted. [More]

Michigan High School Baseball Team Stranded In Florida After Spirit Cancels Flight
Just two days ago the American Customer Satisfaction Index revealed that Spirit Airlines was the worst when it comes to, well, customer satisfaction, and it seems the airline is wasting no time in confirming that it earned its low scores. Just ask the Michigan high school baseball team that had to fork over thousands of dollars for a chartered bus after being told they would have to wait an extra week to rebook their canceled Spirit flight. [More]

United Strands My Wife All Day In Newark, Shrugs
Look, it’s not United Airlines’ problem. Yes, they canceled the second leg of Neil’s wife’s flight, the part that was to bring her from Newark to Rochester, N.Y. They put her on a plane from Newark to Rochester. I mean, yeah, the plane didn’t take off until 10 P.M. and arrived too late for her to get a rental car or for anyone she knew to pick her up. Isn’t flying her to Newark enough? [More]

Cruise Ship Passengers Mutiny After Being Stranded For 3 Days
After the electricity failed, passengers on the MSC Opera luxury cruise ship found themselves stranded at sea for three days, reports The Daily Mail. The toilets stopped working, there were blackouts, water was in short supply and at one point, passengers were only given rolls to eat. Then they rebelled. [More]

7 Hours Sitting In The Aisle Of An Overbooked Megabus
This weekend, Sean spent a miserable seven hours sitting in the aisle of a packed Megabus traveling between two East Coast cities. The company had taken too many reservations for the overnight bus, and had four five more passengers than seats. The last four five passengers had a choice between two incredibly crappy options: be stranded overnight in the city of departure and miss their connections, or crouch in the aisle, cursing Megabus with every mile. Sean and his companions went for the second option. [More]

Orbitz Booked Me Into Hotel With No Vacancies
Andrew says Orbitz screwed up his trip to New York by booking and charging him for a room at a hotel that couldn’t honor the reservation. He arrived at the hotel at 9 p.m., but there was no room waiting for him. [More]

Be Sure To Confirm Age Requirements Before Buying Airline Tickets For Kids
A man in California ended up fighting with Expedia over compensation after his kids, ages 12 and 16, were left stranded overnight in a Virginia airport, because the airline wouldn’t let them board the connecting flight without being accompanied by someone 18 or older. The man told Expedia the kids’ ages before buying the tickets but the company’s system didn’t send up any red flags, so he thought the trip would be fine. [More]

Greyhound Kicks Passenger Out Of Bus Station For Complaining To Reporter
A Greyhound security guard threatened a stranded passenger in Memphis that if she spoke with a reporter from the local news, he’d kick her out of the bus station. The reporter was there to look at why a group of passengers had been left stranded for 2 to 4 days without any communication from Greyhound, and without any sort of meal or lodging help. [More]

AmEx Sent Me Replacement Credit Card With $0 Limit
Justin was thankful for helpful, on-the-spot service from American Express when his card was declined while traveling. The replacement card AmEx sent him was less than helpful, however, given its less than adequate limit. [More]

Greyhound Leaves 88-Year-Old Outside Of Locked Station In 38°F Weather
Greyhound left an 88-year-old woman, along with around 30 other passengers, standing outside a locked bus station on Thanksgiving Day on a trip from Chicago to Detroit. Roxanne, who was one of the abandoned passengers on the sidewalk that morning, says that was just the final insult after an entire day of failure on Greyhound’s part. She sent a complaint to Greyhound’s executives on December 5th, but it was returned. Here is her summary of what happened. [More]

Comfort Inn Driver Rescues Abandoned Holiday Inn Customers, Then Takes Them To Wendy's
Here’s a nice holiday-themed story of how a kind Comfort Inn driver not only helped out a group of stranded travelers, but even agreed to take them to get food after they checked into their hotel. Maybe he was hoping for some big tips, or maybe he’s got some grudge against the local Holiday Inn. (Or maybe he’s a nice guy.) Whatever his motivation, he probably just earned some repeat business for Comfort Inn. [More]