Help Your Friends Avoid Online Scams While Insulting Them

Lifehacker has put together a nice guide to avoiding on-line scams that you could share with those people you felt were likely to fall for them — if Lifehacker didn’t make it so obviously insulting by titling it “The Complete Guide to Avoiding Online Scams (for Your Less Savvy Friends and Relatives).”
If they read our email box they would know that really intelligent, lovely people fall for online scams — even the sort of people who read Lifehacker… and Consumerist. Those people are then brave enough to say, “Hey, I fell for this, and I’d like to help stop others from doing the same.”
Despite the unfortunate title, however, the advice is helpful. Have a look.
How do you help people avoid scams?
The Complete Guide to Avoiding Online Scams (for Your Less Savvy Friends and Relatives) [Lifehacker]
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