Target Still Doing Business In A Reality Vortex
Loyal Consumerist readers may have noticed that we haven’t made any recent posts in our widely acclaimed series of posts about how discount retailer Target is insane. Has Target sought help and found its way back to reality? No. We were just saving up material.
It’s not that Target is dangerously insane. It just has a bit of a reality problem. Here is more evidence, sent in by alert Consumerist readers and Target shoppers from across our great nation.
Thanks to Jill in Illinois, Geoff, joyosity, shakerdesigns, FAIL Blog, Scott in Rochester (NY), Mike, and Adam.
Previous installments in the “Target Is Crazy” series:
Target Saves You Money In Ways You Can Only Imagine
Do Not Fall Into Target’s Evil Sunscreen Trap!
Target’s Continuing Descent Into Madness Affects Courtesy Phones, TVs
Target Is Losing Its Mind
Target Shelf Tag: This Is Not A Sign
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