Home Depot Also Enjoys Printing Dirty Words On Receipts
Oh look, Americans also enjoy putting shocking phrases on receipts. Yesterday’s UK restaurant surprise reminded one of our interns of a receipt sent in a few weeks ago from Brad in California: “got this receipt from home depot today…. look closely just below the total and you will see something surprising…. lol.” Probably NSFW, unless you work at Home Depot or Joe Delucci’s Italian Restaurant.
Update: Rumor has it the receipt sender may actually be the “cock sucking faggot.” Someone named Aaron just wrote in,
I hate to stick up for HD, Really I do. But on the self service kiosk, you type in the job name yourself so that if you work for a company you can track by your own purchase order or job name.
This has nothing to do with HD, but rather the person who sent in the receipt.
Does anyone know whether this is a self-service kiosk receipt?
“I’m Sorry, But We Didn’t Order The ‘Suck My Dick Fuck Face.'”
(Photo: Getty)
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