Guilt Starbucks Into Giving You Free Coffee

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a href="">Jake says that if you call 1-(800) 235-2883 and tell Starbucks what stinkers they are for not honoring the iced coffee coupons, they will send you a $5 giftcard.

a href=””>Jake says that if you call 1-(800) 235-2883 and tell Starbucks what stinkers they are for not honoring the iced coffee coupons, they will send you a $5 giftcard.

The rep also told Jake that one Starbucks lost over $300,000.00 due to the previous coupon campaign going too far.

Wonder how much they can lose if this “coffee hack” gets popularized…

Related: Starbucks Sued Over Cancelled Free Coffee Coupon
UPDATED: Get A Free Starbucks Iced Coffee. Not Really!

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