Long in the business of rescuing drivers and offering repairs on the spot, AAA now wants provide cars on demand for folks who find themselves in need of some wheels. [More]

Uber, Lyft, Zipcar Offer Free Or Discounted Rides To Polls On Election Day
Election Day is nearly here, and millions of Americans will head to their respective polling places on Tuesday. You might be able to drive, walk, bike, or jetpack to your voting site, but for those who need a ride (or just a car), a handful of companies are offering free or discounted options. [More]

New York AG: Zipcar Charged Damage Fees Without Giving Drivers A Chance To Dispute
With Zipcar, members can rent a car for a few hours without having to stand in line, fill out paperwork, or wait for the car to be brought around. Problem is, when a Zipcar gets damaged, it can difficult to say who’s to blame. Nevertheless, the New York Attorney General’s office says Zipcar was routinely charging drivers for damage fees that violated state law. [More]

21 Pranks, Fake Products, And Other Corporate Attempts At April Fools’ Day Relevance
Ever since April 1, 1922 when our print forerunner, The Consumerist Bugle-Gazette, ran an April Fools’ Day cover story that unwittingly — but accurately — announced the death of exiled Austrian Emperor Charles I, we’ve not tempted fate and avoided such tomfoolery. But others aren’t burdened by these ghosts of Aprils gone awry. [More]

Avis Splashes Out $500 Million To Buy Itself Something Nice — Zipcar
Times used to be, you needed a car and you didn’t have one? Renting one from a rental car company was the only option, and it was often quite an expensive option. Bt Zipcar has made quite a name for itself with its easy hourly rentals and convenient pick-up spots. Now Avis wants to hitch its wagon to rising Zipcar’s star, and has agreed to buy the company for $500 million in cold, hard cash. [More]

Thieves Decide They Want Zipcars' Wheels Right Now
Looks like some thieves took Zipcar’s slogan, “Wheels when you want them,” too literally. [More]

Taxes On Car Sharing Eclipse Sales Tax Rates
Car-sharing services are a great way to save on all the expenses of owning a car while still getting to use it for short trips. But they would save you even more money if they weren’t being taxed at sometimes more than double than the going sales tax rate. That’s because many states are taxing car-sharing services just like they were rental cars, a new study comparing taxes on car-sharing services across the nation shows. [More]

Do Not Leave Anything In A Zipcar Because It May Be Gone Forever
Reader Kate is upset that she left a portable crib in the trunk of her Zipcar and nobody reported it to the lost and found. She realizes its her fault for leaving it there, but she’s upset anyway. [More]

Zipcar Pulls Recalled Toyotas From Service
Zipcar is concerned about the runaway stuck pedal Toyotas of doom, and so they have pulled all the recalled models from their fleet until Toyota gets their #@$% together.
Behold Zipcar’s press release: [More]

Zipcar Launches iPhone App With Magical Car Unlocking Powers
The San Fran/NY-servicing Zipcar car sharing service has finally launched their iPhone app. Besides the expected seamless reservation system, it has a pretty sweet extra feature: It turns your iPhone into a keyfob capable of locking and unlocking your car, and honking its horn. Not owning a car just got awesomer.

Zipcar Apologizes For Terrible Experience
Jen, who was left stranded in another city recently when her Zipcar lost its zip, managed to get through to the New York area general manager for Zipcar this morning:

Queens Zipcar Runs Out Of Zip For Second Consumerist Reader
Well, isn’t this a coincidence? Yesterday, we posted a story about the experience that Jen and her friend had with their Zipcar rental car with a faulty electrical system, which broke down three times and nearly left them stranded on the mean streets of Hartford, Conn. (Really. They’re pretty mean.) A few hours later, we heard from Matt, who apparently had a similar experience four days later. With the same exact car.

Zipcar Ceases To Zip For Temporarily Stranded Customer
We’ve always heard good things about Zipcar—the biggest complaint from friends here in NYC is that reserving one in the summer requires a lot of patience. Jen and her friend, however, just had an experience that was so bad that Jen finally had to dispute the charges on her card, and now she says she’ll never do business with them again. Based on her encounter with them, we think she has a good reason to feel that way.
Zipcar’s merger with Flexcar isn’t going very well in Seattle where the company’s brilliant first step has been to piss off most of their new customers by unexpectedly denying them access to cars during the long weekend. [The Stranger] (Thanks, denali!)

Get What You Want By Asking For It
I use and love Zipcar, a New York area car-share rental service, but our last bill had an unexpected $50 late return fee. Whiskey tango foxtrot, I wondered aloud, I know for sure I returned that car on time. After calling, Dawn told me it turned out I hadn’t swiped out (to get into the cars you use a RFID enabled card) after dropping off the car. She said: