For six days last week, malware known as “malvertising” was reportedly lurking in Yahoo’s advertising network, with the potential for attackers to infect internet users’ computers and hold them for ransom. Security researchers say they notified Yahoo of the malware upon discovering it on Sunday, and the company removed the malicious code immediately. [More]

Yahoo Introduces Livetext, A Video Messaging App Without Any Audio
Skype, Snapchat, WhatsApp, Viber, and Facebook Messenger are just a few of the many messaging services available to consumers. That list grew by one today with the unveiling of Livetext from Yahoo. [More]

Ginormous Hack Targets 2 Million Accounts Spread Over 93,000 Websites Worldwide
About two million people should be checking your social media accounts and anything else one might have a login and password for: Hackers have snagged usernames and passwords for millions of Facebook, Google, Twitter, Yahoo and other sites accounts, according to a new report. [More]

Yahoo! Pitting 30 New Logos Against Each Other In Continuing Battle For Brand Relevance
Gather round, ye hipsters and ye tech-savvy young things! Yahoo! wants you to know that it’s cool and awesome and so much fun and to do that, it’s going to debut a new logo. But not like old, boring companies have done in the past. Nope! It’s going to take 30 days to do so, in the hopes that showing 30 different possible logos will prove exciting to consumers instead of just an endless train of logos. [More]

Don’t Want Your Inactive Yahoo! ID Snatched Up By A Stranger? Better Reclaim It Now
Let’s say your name is Lintbrush McCheesepants. Back in the day, maybe you had the Yahoo! email address or simply an ID you used to access Flickr and whatnot. Now perhaps it’s fallen to the wayside in favor of Gmail, but you’ve kept it as a back-up address. You might want to stake your claim and sign in before July 15, as Yahoo! announced it’ll be freeing up inactive IDs on July 15. Cue the claim jumpers. [More]

Yahoo To Pay $1.1 Billion Cash For Blogging Platform Tumblr, Maybe Not Ruin It
Yesterday, Yahoo and Tumblr announced that they’re getting hitched. Why? Yahoo needs content that uses design principles from the last decade, and Tumblr needs some grown-ups to supervise the place and figure out how to actually earn money. Is everyone involved in this transaction making a huge mistake? [More]

Yahoo! Reportedly Flirting With Adding A Video Unit, Has Its Eye On Hulu
These days, it’s not enough for the big Internet brands to just offer one service, like say, a search engine. As such, it’s not surprising to hear the rumor mill spinning over whether or not Yahoo! is looking to find a streaming service to call its own, and if so, that it’s got its eye on Hulu. [More]