Just in case you didn’t think Tumblr pages were cluttered enough with cribbed photos and seemingly endless lists of comments and notes, the micro-blogging platform is rolling out ads in an effort to let users earn something from the stuff they post. [More]

Apple’s App Store Is Having Some Serious Issues Finding Popular Apps Right Now
UPDATE: As of about noon on the east coast, the App Store seems to have sorted itself out. I was able to search for Tidal and actually get the music app, instead of an app to track the tide. [More]

Tumblr Copies Facebook, Experiences Outage
UPDATE: Tumblr is back. That was a grueling half hour or so, wasn’t it? Tumblr’s official Twitter account announced the end of the outage, though they failed to explain what happened. There was no error message for many users: they simply couldn’t load the site. [More]

Staples Makes Copic Marker Pricing Error, Enrages Internet
Over the weekend, a set of markers went on sale on Staples.com for about $16. Markers at an office-supply store–what’s so interesting about that? These were large sets of Copic markers, high-end art tools that list for almost forty times that much. Now the customers who aren’t getting multiple marker sets for $549 off are enraged at Staples for not honoring the erroneous price. [More]

Graphic: Which Internet Biggies Are Even Slightly Concerned About Your Privacy?
When it comes to online privacy, many consumers assume that their service provider, or the websites they are browsing, have the users’ best interest in mind and that these companies won’t simply hand over your information to authorities. These people are mistaken, as are those who believe that no online companies make user privacy a priority. The truth, as usual, is a bit from column A and a bit from column B. [More]

Yahoo To Pay $1.1 Billion Cash For Blogging Platform Tumblr, Maybe Not Ruin It
Yesterday, Yahoo and Tumblr announced that they’re getting hitched. Why? Yahoo needs content that uses design principles from the last decade, and Tumblr needs some grown-ups to supervise the place and figure out how to actually earn money. Is everyone involved in this transaction making a huge mistake? [More]

Western Digital Begs Me To Install Firmware Update That Bricks My Hard Drive
The software and firmware for Joe’s Western Digital portable hard drive needed updating. At least, that’s what it kept telling him. What Western Digital failed to explain to Joe was that they needed updating so that software and firmware update could wreck the hard drive. Well, that probably wasn’t the company’s original goal, but it was the end result. Now Joe doesn’t have a working hard drive, and the company isn’t about to replace it…even when they’re the ones who bricked it. [More]

Nudie Mag's Lawsuit Could Have Far-Reaching Impact On Tumblr, Pinterest
I’ve heard a rumor that there are a number of Tumblr pages that may feature nudity. Furthermore, some of these pages contain nude images to which someone else holds the copyright. One such copyright holder has filed a lawsuit against Tumblr which, if successful, could impact a lot more than just pictures of boobs, buns and bits. [More]

Erotic Phishing Attack Steals Thousands Of Tumblr Logins
Thousands of logins for emo-blogging platform Tumblr have been stolen in the past week via a phishing attack that lured users to enter their credentials in exchange for the promise of erotic content. [More]