Step 2) Press 991, then press 2. Now, press Power.

The Big Box Project
- This site is a result of my customer service experience with the Microsoft Xbox 360 support/repair team. My 360 failed for the second time in 6 months but this time the service has changed… without warning. According to their “highest tiered” phone agent, Microsoft has exercised their “right to change the terms and conditions” of my warranty without notification. Upon first failure I received an empty box in the mail to return the damaged goods in, shipping covered. This time the cost of shipping falls upon me and, apparently, there is no other option. I pressed and pressed and pleaded my case but I was assured there are no exceptions. Well, since they can’t help me out and cover the cost of an empty box, they are going to be receiving and returning the biggest damn box they have ever seen. I won’t spend 15 dollars but I’ll spend 15,000 dollars to prove my point and expose their conniving ways.

XBOX Screams That Month Old Unit’s 90-Day Warranty Is Expired
Brent’s friend bought an XBOX in November with a 90-day warranty. It died. When he called the Bangalore based tech support, “Steve” told him:

Fry’s New 360 Bundle… No Where Near As Good
Remember that sweet Xbox 360 Bundle that Outpost was pimping on Monday? The one that not only involved a premium system, but games involving zombie killing, hit-and-run-driving and not-hit-and-run-driving? All for $200 below retail price?

Get A Sweet Xbox360 Bundle This Weekend
UPDATE: The deal could be ready as early as Thursday or Friday, according to a reader who spoke with a different Fry’s Outpost rep.

Microsoft: We’ll Fix Your Damn Xbox
It freezes. It crashes. It gives you the red light of death. Well, you’re not alone. Microsoft has admitted it. Early Xbox 360s are defective and will be repaired free of charge...providing that you purchased yours before January 1, 2006.

UPDATE: Circuit City Ripping Off Xbox 360 Customers
On Friday, we noted an underhanded tactic Circuit City appeared to be foisting on unsuspecting Xbox 360 customers. A sign in their Newport Beach offered to charge customers $29.95 for a product upgrade they would get for free via Live Update or from a Microsoft patch CD.

Circuit City Ripping Off Xbox 360 Customers
Kotaku’s got the drop on another sleazy Circuit City in-store service. For $28.99, Circuit City will upgrade your Xbox360 so it’s backwards compatible with Xbox games. The problem is this already occurs if your Xbox360 is set up for Xbox Live. If you don’t have it connected to a phone line, Windows will also send you a patch disc for free.

Puerto Ricans Can Buy XBox But Can’t Get One Repaired
What is it with companies that sell warrantied products in countries or territories where they don’t have customer service repair facilities?

Cheap Ass Gamer’s 360 CSR Horror Story
Over at Cheap Ass Gamer, we saw a nightmarish Customer Support story of which we’re positively covetous. It features everything you could hope from an unsatisfactory support issue: a blubbering CS department outsourced to a Texan Down’s Syndrome group home. The suggestion that the customer could fix his problem by buying more of the company’s stuff. Expensive replacement systems going missing in the mail. The wrong product being sent back to the customer. Calls from customer support telling the customer that the unit they just sent to him wasn’t actually fixed. And, all in all, a two month wait time from initial report of the problem to resolution.

Braindead Customer Service: Logitech
Thank you for your recent inquiry about your Gaming Console.
Companies’ Interaction with Bloggers
There’s an interesting interview over at iMedia Connection with Wired Editor Chris Anderson. Unlike most interviews, it obviously isn’t a set of static questions mailed off to Chris, but an actual dialogue between Anderson and Brad Berens, his interviewer. It starts off discussing Anderson’s recent interactions through his blog with Microsoft over technical support for his XBox 360, but soon gets up to the elbows in the meaty subject of blogs, consumerism and corporate responsibility. The following quote is actually part of one of the interviewer’s questions:
Morning Deals Round-Up
If you’re looking for a VGA PDA, use coupon code 08R0LNWBJ3SBF2 to get 20% off the Dell X51v PDA.George Foreman GR10AWHT Champ Grill over at Amazon for $14.99Limited Collector’s Edition XBox Doom 3 for $19.99 over at Buy.comKingston Technology 512MB Secure Digital Card for $20.95 over at…