The tournament’s first banking battle gets Day Three of WCIA competition off with a bang! [More]
worst company in america

Worst Company In America Round 1: Chase Vs. Wells Fargo

Worst Company In America Round 1: Google Vs. Facebook
Two of the Internet’s coolest kids take a break from collecting every possible bit of data about consumers in order to beat each other into submission in a much-anticipated WCIA cage match. [More]

Worst Company In America Round 1: PayPal Vs. Sallie Mae
Ready or not, it’s time to start Day 2 of bloodthirsty competition in the Worst Company In America tournament. Kicking things off for today is a match-up between two companies that love processing your payments, but don’t really show the love when you call to complain. [More]

Worst Company In America Round 1: Dish Vs. DirecTV
To close out this first day of WCIA 2013 carnage, we bring you this longstanding feud, broadcasting live from the Satellite of Hate. [More]

Worst Company In America Round 1: Best Buy Vs. Walmart
The first-round fisticuffs continue with today’s centerpiece bout that pits two big-box boxers to a fight to the death, all for the bloodthirsty enjoyment of WCIA fans around the world. [More]

Worst Company In America Round 1: Cablevision Vs. Time Warner Cable
We hope you’ve got your office’s WCIA pool all set, because it’s time for the bloodshed to begin. First up in the Worst Company Dodecahedron Of Doom — two cable and Internet providers that aren’t as big as Comcast, but which customers hate anyway. [More]

Here Are Your Contestants For The 2013 Worst Company In America Tournament!
After sorting through a record number of nominations from you, the readers of Consumerist, we’ve spent the last few days culling that massive list down to the 32 businesses deemed most worthy of vying for the title of Worst Company In America 2013! [More]

There Is Still Time To Submit Your Worst Company In America Nominations
Just a reminder that we’re still accepting nominations for this year’s Worst Company In America tournament. You have until 5 p.m. ET on March 12 to e-mail us at with the names (and reasons, if you feel so inclined) of the consumer-facing businesses you feel are most deserving of the Golden Poo. [More]

Keep Those Worst Company In America Nominations Coming!
Earlier this week, we began taking nominations from Consumerist readers for this year’s Worst Company In America tournament, and we’ve already received a deluge of e-mails. But we want more! So keep the nominations coming. [More]

Cry Havoc And Let Slip The Dogs Of WCIA: Send Us Your Nominations For Worst Company In America 2013!
Winter slumbering in the open air, wears on his smiling face a dream of Spring… and of pitting big bad consumer-unfriendly businesses against each other in the Consumerist Worst Company In America Battledrome! [More]

EA Apologizes For Free Game Goof. Customers Who Earned Credit Will Still Get It
Over the weekend, EA unintentionally made a lot of people happy by accidentally sending out a rewards code that could be used by anyone. EA also angered those who had earned the credit but hadn’t used it by the time EA deactivated the code. Now the company is trying to set things right. [More]

EA Atones For Years Of Anti-Customer Behavior By Accidentally Giving Away Thousands Of Games For Free
Video game publisher Electronic Arts is the reigning Worst Company In America for, among other things, its history of nickel-and-diming customers by withholding content only to sell it later as marked-up add-ons. It’s only fitting that someone at EA screwed up and released a code that allowed people to score thousands of games for the low price of absolutely nothing. [More]

EA Responds To Worst Company Win By Name-Dropping Past Worst Company Winners
Usually when we announce the winner of the annual Worst Company In America tournament, the victor chooses to quietly reflect on their triumph rather than make a public comment. But not this year’s champ, Electronic Arts, which has responded to being voted the WCIA winner by hinting that it’s not as bad as other companies. [More]

The Voters Have Spoken: EA Is Your Worst Company In America For 2012!
Whether it’s on a console, a PC, a smartphone or tablet, hundreds of millions of people play video games every day. Yet most mainstream media covers the industry the same way it treats adult dodge ball leagues and cat fashion shows (both noble ventures, but neither of them multi-billion dollar industries). And the only time you hear legislators discuss video games is when some politician decries them as the death knell for all things righteous in the world (hint: they’re not). Now, after years of being ignored and relegated to steerage, game-players have voted to send a message to Electronic Arts and the gaming business as a whole: Stop treating your loyal customers like crap. [More]

There's Still Time To Vote On Worst Company In America Final Death Match
A record number of voters have turned out to choose between Bank of America and Electronic Arts for the winner in the Worst Company In America 2012 tournament, but there’s still time to have your say in which business walks away with the Golden Poo. [More]

AT&T Caps Off Crappy Year With Third-Place Worst Company In America Finish
This sort of epitomizes the last 12 months for AT&T. First it attempted to leap-frog to the head of the wireless pack by swallowing T-Mobile whole, only to fail miserably after many months and at a cost of several billion dollars. Then it came tantalizingly close to vying for the coveted Worst Company In America Golden Poo trophy, only to be given the smack-down by a video game company. At least it won’t be leaving the tournament empty-handed. [More]

Worst Company In America Final Death Match: Bank Of America Vs. EA
Here they stand, surrounded by the carved-up carcasses of their fallen competitors. “Make us proud… Win the poo,” the ghosts of the vanquished call out from another realm, demanding that these two remaining contenders for Worst Company In America prove that all this bloodshed was not in vain. [More]

Worst Company In America Consolation Round: AT&T Vs. Walmart
As we announced on Friday, for the first time in Worst Company history, readers will have the chance to vote on a third-place finisher from between the two companies eliminated in the Semifinal round. This means that either Walmart or AT&T will end up being honored with the coveted Bronze Poo trophy. [More]