Wired reports that the government is considering a ban on the import of Burmese pythons and eight other “injurious species” of snake, because loser pet owners in Florida keep releasing them into the wild where they breed and take over. If enacted, the ban would only affect imports, not sales by breeders in the US, but prices will probably shoot up. [More]

Bear Wanders In Wisconsin Grocery Store, Chills In Beer Department
We know that it’s not good for bears to be be too dependent on human food, but one black bear in Wisconsin took things even farther, wandering inside a grocery store, heading straight for the liquor department, and taking a leisurely nap on a shelf in the beer cooler.

Walmart Frozen Green Beans Come With Free Frog
Mmm, delicious green beans! Oh wait, what’s that? Kermit, nooooooo!

This Foreclosed Property Is An Excellent Home For Bobcats
Unlike prospective homebuyers, this pair of bobcats went absolutely wild over a foreclosed Lake Elsinore home. According to the L.A. Times, the bobcats were likely attracted by an outdoor koi pond, which isn’t just decorative, but serves as a fabulous source of drinking water. Like any suburban couple, the pair is expected to stay until the kids are old enough to leave.

Palin Takes Protecting Polar Bears "Very Seriously"
For the sake of balance, vis-à-vis Obama’s Taking It Seriously, here’s one for Sarah Palin.

Birds Live In Virginia Safeway Store
Jose writes, I thought that the long lines and the produce always being out of stock was bad enough, but then I noticed the small family of birds living at my local Safeway (Nutley St, Fairfax, VA).

Downtown Chicago Quiznos Infested With… Coyotes?
Of course, it’s a bit odd that a coyote would seek refuge in a Quiznos sandwich, but that’s what Adrian did, strolling east on Adams in the post-lunch crowd. He walked in the front door that had been propped open because of the warm weather. He settled into the beverage cooler after unsuccessfully trying to vault the counter.