Well, that was quick: Soon after Burger King launched a new ad designed to force any Google Home devices within range to wake up and spit out a list of the Whopper’s ingredients, Google has apparently disabled the functionality that triggers the devices. [More]

Burger King Selling A Doughnut Burger For Hanukkah
If you love doughnuts, burgers, and burgers made with doughnuts, you might want to think about spending Hanukkah in Israel, where Burger King will be offering doughnut burgers for the holiday. [More]

Burger King Has A New “2 For $10” Meal Deal, But Who’s It Actually For?
Burger King already has one entry in the ongoing fast food meal-deal war that focuses on one person — a 5 for $4 menu that includes a bacon cheeseburger, small fries, chicken nuggets, beverage, and a chocolate chip cookie — but that apparently isn’t enough to keep up with the competition. And so, the company has launched a 2 for $10 deal. But with two entire meals included in this bundle, who exactly is the company courting? [More]

Burger King Announces Limited Edition Whopper-Scented Cologne
Did we miss some kind of memo that made it cool to smell like your food without the pleasure of actually eating anything? Because Burger King apparently feels the need to jump on the fast food scent train, announcing that it’ll bestow 1,000 bottles of Whopper-scented cologne upon the world on April 1. [More]

Burger King Japan Now Selling A "Pizza-Size" Whopper
Some of you may remember the BK Whopper Bar in New York City’s 9.5″ diameter Pizza Burger from 2010. Well, a version of that monster has crossed the globe to hit the stomachs of Japanese eaters. [More]

Burger King To Offer "All The Whoppers You Can Eat In 30 Minutes" Deal To Customers In Japan
Think you can scarf down a pile of Burger King Whoppers with the best of them? Well then you’ll probably wish you were visiting Japan in the next couple weeks, as Burger King is set to launch a promotion that offers customers all the Whoppers they can devour — in the span of 30 minutes. [More]

Burger King Threatens To Sue Small NZ Burger Place Over "Whopper"
A burger place in Nelson, NZ called “Seabreeze City Takeaways,” had a burger on their menu called the “whopper,” for 12 years before someone told Burger King, and now the chain is threatening to sue. [More]

Man Eats Windows 7 Themed 7-Layer Whopper
For some reason, possibly because they have the same ad agency as Burger King, Microsoft has convinced the fast food chain to offer a 7-layer Whopper in celebration of Windows 7. What is a 7-layer Whopper? It’s just a Whopper with 7 patties.