The Department of Homeland Security has confirmed to Consumerist that it will not be expanding a ban on laptops in the cabins of U.S.-bound aircraft to cover flights coming from Europe. At the same time, DHS cautions that this restriction still remains a possibility in the future. [More]

Tesco Abandons Plan To Have Sniper Shoot Protected Bird Living In A Store
It’s hard out there for a pied wagtail. First of all, your species is in decline. Second, it’s hard enough to get a nice place to live, without meddlesome humans coming in and trying to shoot you out of your home. Good news for one particular pied wagtail living in a Tesco store in England, then, that supermarket officials have decided not to bring in a hired sniper to shoot it with an air rifle. [More]

Hurray, Time Warner Customers Are Back Online After Internet Outage
If you’re a Time Warner Cable customer, welcome back! The Internet missed you. Many customers nationwide reported an outage this morning, though Time Warner claims that all customers are now back online. [More]

Does My Homeowner’s Insurance Cover Me In The Event Of A Sharknado?
I don’t watch a lot of action movies, because I’m that Debbie Downer who’s always thinking about how much it must suck to be, say, a claims adjuster in Manhattan after the events of “The Avengers.” So I was glad that our colleagues down the hall at Consumer Reports raised an important question: does my insurance cover me in the event of a sharknado? [More]

Canadian Authorities Have Recovered The Stolen Global Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve
Last month, some maple miscreants made off with millions of dollars’ worth of maple syrup from a secure warehouse in the Canadian province of Quebec. We can all breathe a sweet, sweet sigh of relief: authorities may have recovered the syrup. They discovered somewhere between 600 and 800 barrels of unknown origin with an importer in New Brunswick. The investigation continues, but the syrup is safe. It’s currently under police protection. [More]

Hantavirus Cleared As Culprit Of Illness In Case Of Home Featured On 'Hoarders'
Here’s the thing about a link — it can tenuous and ended up breaking. Which is a good thing for a Texas woman whose illness was linked to a rodent-borne disease currently causing a health headache for Yosemite National park after she worked on cleaning up a home for the TV show Hoarders: Buried Alive. In her case, it turns out she’s tested negative for hantavirus. Whew. [More]