washed away

Costco Shrink Rays Bins Of Detergent Pods Ever So Slightly

Costco Shrink Rays Bins Of Detergent Pods Ever So Slightly

The Grocery Shrink Ray stealthily takes away small portions of all kinds of consumer products: food, beverages, personal care items, and cleaning supplies. Even the super-sized containers at Costco aren’t immune: 130 loads of laundry since his last purchase, Ed noticed that his newest container has fewer detergent pods in it than the last one. Update: Actually, Costco increased the quantity of pods! [More]

Ivory Shrinks Body Wash Bottle, Switches Out Fragrance

Ivory Shrinks Body Wash Bottle, Switches Out Fragrance

Elizabeth has been a loyal user of Ivory’s Clean & Simple body wash for a long time, and she got an unpleasant surprise the last time she picked one up at the store. The package had been redesigned: no big problem there. She noticed, though, that the redesign washed away 3 ounces out of the 24-ounce bottle. Oh, no, it was the Grocery Shrink Ray! [More]