When most people get texts or letters meant for someone else, we either shrug it off or ask whoever it is to stop sending those mistakes. But when Walmart started texting a North Carolina man about prescriptions for someone else, he thought it meant he’d been discovered as a murderer after killing a woman 17 years ago. [More]

Walmart Continues Acting Like A Bank, Now Offering Low-Fee Checking Accounts
It appears that Walmart is taking consumers’ willingness to do their banking outside of traditional banks to heart. The mega-retailer unveiled plans today that would put low-cost checking accounts into the hands of just about any consumer across the country. [More]

Artist Claims Someone Stole Her Painting From Etsy And Is Now Selling It Through Walmart
For millions of artists Etsy.com offers a personalized marketplace to sell hand-crafted, unique items without the hassle of mass production or working with national retailers. Only that’s not how it’s working for one artist who claims her painting is being sold through Walmart’s website without her permission. [More]

Groups Say Walmart Violated Election Laws To Get Employees To Donate To PAC
Walmart can’t donate directly to their own “pro-business” political action committee, they can’t make employees donate to it, and they can’t pay employees for donating to it. Those things would all be against the law, and would draw the ire of the Federal Election Commission. But the company is legally allowed to create incentives for employees to donate to their PAC by creating matching charitable contributions. The problem? The only charity in play is one that gives to Walmart employees. According to a complaint lodged with the FEC today, that means Walmart is still basically paying off employees to make political contributions, and should be stopped. [More]

Walmart Mexico Investigated Over Promotional Cockfight
Walmart’s Mexican operations are being investigating by authorities in the city of Boca del Rio, where customers complained a Walmart store hosted a cockfight to promote a soft drink company. The retailer says it’s the customer gripes are overblown and that, while there were indeed roosters pecking at each other, no actual cockfighting took place. [More]

Toxic PCB Contamination At Walmart Return Center Leads To Evacuation, Lawsuit
Hundreds of workers at an Indianapolis Walmart returns processing center may have been contaminated with a toxic substance last month. While the center was evacuated and employees are now undergoing medical tests, one employee has filed a lawsuit against the mega-retailer. [More]

Walmart Settles Allegations It Charged New Yorkers Too Much For Coca-Cola Products
Overcharging customers $0.50 might not seem like a huge deal, but when the lower price was circulated in an advertisement, well, that constitutes false advertising. Such was the case for Walmart stores in New York recently. [More]

Walmart, Best Buy Won’t Accept Apple Pay At Their Stores
Though the highways and byways of America may be dotted with their stores, customers shopping at Walmart and Best Buy won’t be able to pay for stuff using the new Apple Pay system announced this week. Both retailers are eschewing the near-field-communication (or NFC) method of payment in favor of another mobile wallet application. [More]

Walmart Focus Group Of 1,000 Kids Tells Us What Toys To Buy Them
Walmart started a new holiday tradition last year. It starts in the summer: the company invites a test panel of 1,000 children of all ages to play with a variety of toys, then rate how fun they are. About a quarter of the toys make the chain’s annual list of the 20 hottest toys, which Walmart then stocks up on, and Walmart shoppers might pick up after their Black Friday towel-grabbing frenzy. Maybe. [More]

Accused Walmart Shoplifter Flees Very, Very Slowly On Motorized Shopping Cart
Usually when someone commits a retail crime, it’s of the utmost importance to get away from the scene of the infraction as quickly as possible. But what if you just don’t feel in the mood to walk? That’s the reason a woman accused of shoplifting at a Michigan Walmart gave for boosting a motorized shopping cart to scoot herself away from the store. [More]

Police: Two Guys Soaked Shelves Of Walmart Merchandise With Deer Urine
I can’t help it — I’ve been struggling and now it’s time to let it out: “Kids these days! Spraying doe urine everywhere, ugh!” Exasperation is the only emotion I can imagine — okay, and extreme disgust — at hearing the news that two youngish guys allegedly soaked the shelves of their local Walmart in deer urine. [More]

Man Drives Car Into Walmart Store After Being Fired
It’s totally understandable for someone to be angry over the loss of their job. But it is not okay for that person to then run their car into their former place of business. [More]

Court Mulls Whether Walmart Workers’ Right To Self-Defense Trumps Store’s De-Escalation Policy
The first instinct for most people when being attacked is to defend themselves. But a group of Walmart workers say their right to self-defense ended up getting them fired. Now the Utah’s highest court is considering whether store policies trump employees’ right to defend themselves. [More]

If You Bring A Baby With You To Shoplift At Walmart, Don’t Leave Her Behind
While we don’t condone theft of any sort, we are aware of the notion that having a baby with you while you shoplift might help create the illusion that you’re not a petty criminal who needs to be watched by store security. But if you get spotted trying to take advantage of some five-finger discounts, leaving that infant behind is incredibly uncool. It will probably also lead the police right to your doorstep. [More]

Raiders Of The Lost Walmart Need To Mail This Rebate Before July 1, 2004
Do you have a slightly older computer that would work with slightly old anti-virus software? If so, stop by your nearest big-box store. The Raiders of the Lost Walmart, brave seekers of retail antiquities, have found large caches of ancient security programs for sale at big-box discount and office supply stores. [More]

Atlanta Walmart Receives Early Morning Delivery When Woman Gives Birth In The Store
So far this year we’ve reported on two women who gave birth in the parking lots of separate Walmart stores. This week, a woman finally made it inside the store before welcoming her bundle of joy. [More]

Walmart Doesn’t Advertise Their Roll-Forward Pricing
Walmart is famous for lowering prices and calling them “rollbacks,” but sometimes the opposite happens, too. Reader Ben spotted this example of roll-forward pricing at his local Walmart on a clearance sign. [More]

Let’s Guess What Happens If You Drive A Stolen Shopping Scooter To Meet Your Probation Officer
There are many things you can do to make sure you don’t go get in trouble with the law for another go around, but a surefire way to hop right into that hot water again? By boosting a ride and driving it to a meeting with a probation officer. [More]