
Walmart Executives Gone Wild

Walmart Executives Gone Wild

  • Walmart’s General Counsel, Robert Rhoads, had an affair with a subordinate and paid for her apartment and college tuition; it ended well when Rhoads divorced his wife and married the subordinate.

  • Dell: We're Selling PCs At Walmart!

    Dell: We're Selling PCs At Walmart!

    Dell announced today that Walmart will be selling Dell Dimension PCs in-store as part of a new retail strategy. From

    In a statement, Dell spokesman Bob Pearson said, “Our customers are asking us for additional ways to purchase our products and we plan on delivering on a global level. Offering Dell Dimensions in Wal-Mart is a great example of this approach.”

    Dell seems to be contemplating offering their computers in other retail outlets as well.

    Dell declined to make executives available for an interview, and Mr. Pearson declined to give further details. He suggested that other retail moves might be in the offing, however.

    Walmart Nazi Tshirt Watch: Week 27

    Walmart Nazi Tshirt Watch: Week 27

    27 weeks after Walmart agreed to remove shirts bearing Nazi iconography from its shelves, and 15 weeks after getting a letter from Congress demanding the shirts removal, they’re still there. Don found some in Sterling, Washington:

    House To Walmart: No Banks For You

    House To Walmart: No Banks For You

    The House is poised to pass a bill that will keep Walmart, and all who seek to follow them, from ever having a bank to call their own. The measure, H.R. 698, prevents industrial loan companies (ILCs) from being owned or chartered by any institution that doesn’t derive at least 85% of their revenue from financial activity.

    Walmart, Menu Foods, Del Monte Sued Over Pet Food Debacle

    Walmart, Menu Foods, Del Monte Sued Over Pet Food Debacle

    Schwinger alleges that his dog Sandy, an otherwise healthy 2-year-old, had to be euthanized as a result of eating Menu Foods’ Ol’ Roy Pet Food and Del Monte’s Canine Carry-out Bacon Bite, which were purchased at a Wal-Mart store in Cassville.

    Deadly Recalled Toy Spotted In California Walmart

    Deadly Recalled Toy Spotted In California Walmart

    A toy that was recalled in March of 2006 after killing a small boy and seriously injuring 2 dozen others is still for sale at a California Walmart according to Reader Kevin.

    Walmart To Sell Skype Gear

    Walmart To Sell Skype Gear

    “We think there will be a lot of Wal-Mart shoppers who will not be familiar with Skype,” said Don Albert, general manager for Skype North America, a unit of eBay Inc.

    Walmart Evicts Shoplifters Wearing Signs Reading "I Am A Thief I Stole From Walmart"

    Walmart Evicts Shoplifters Wearing Signs Reading "I Am A Thief I Stole From Walmart"

    Convicted shoplifters are no longer welcome at Walmart, even if they wear signs proclaiming: “I am a thief, I stole from Walmart.” Walmart was initially gung-ho about the decision to publicly shame the thieves, and even planned to keep the signs for future use. Their dreams of shoplifter shame now lie slightly worn at the return desk after a Walmart attorney told Judge Kenneth Robertson that the shoplifters were persona non grata at Walmart.

    Robertson said the attorney said WalMart was afraid “that people might try to run [the shoplifters] down or throw something at them.”

    Walmart does not want blood on their hands parking lots. Judge Robertson has ordered the shoplifters to finish their sentence outside his courthouse, where they apparently can’t be run down or have things thrown at them. — CAREY GREENBERG-BERGER

    Deadly Recalled Toy Still Available At Walmart, Target, Kohl's And More

    Deadly Recalled Toy Still Available At Walmart, Target, Kohl's And More

    Magnetic toys that killed one boy and injured more than 2 dozen others are still available for sale in many Illinois stores according to Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan. The attorney general’s office found the recalled toys at several stores all over the state, and a Chicago Tribune reporter was able to purchase the toys Wal-Mart, Target and Big Lots stores in the northwest suburbs.

    Are You Paying $60 A Year For Water Pumped Into Chicken?

    Are You Paying $60 A Year For Water Pumped Into Chicken?

    Awhile back we posted some videos that show how butchers get away with vacuum pumping water into meat to make it weigh more. Some of them try to be “honest” about it by throwing a little soy sauce in there and calling it marinade. Whatever. We don’t pay by the pound for our marinade and neither should you.

    Walmart Caught Incorrectly Tagging Food As Organic

    Walmart Caught Incorrectly Tagging Food As Organic

    People in Wisconsin take their organic food seriously, Walmart. Don’t mess with Wisconsin. They wear cheese on their heads, for pete’s sake.

    Walmart Nazi Tshirt Watch: Week 25

    Walmart Nazi Tshirt Watch: Week 25

    22 weeks after Walmart agreed to remove shirts bearing Nazi iconography from its shelves, and 13 weeks after getting a letter from Congress demanding the shirts removal, they’re still there. S.G.W. found some in Indianapolis, took a video, and writes:

    Best Of Walmart

    Best Of Walmart

    “With the heat wave searing American soil lately, it becomes more and more important to not lock your baby in the van in a Walmart parking lot.”

    Will Walmart Be Your New Doctor?

    Will Walmart Be Your New Doctor?

    Millions of Americans don’t have health insurance, and many of them are Walmart shoppers. Heck, many of them are Walmart employees. The solution? Walmart is opening 400 more “health clinics” in the next 2-3 years. Eventually, there will be over 2,000 of these clinics.

    Judge Orders Shoplifters To Wear Signs Reading "I Am A Thief I Stole From Walmart"

    Judge Orders Shoplifters To Wear Signs Reading "I Am A Thief I Stole From Walmart"

    Don’t steal from the Walmart in Attala, Ala or Judge Kenneth Robertson Jr. will make you wear a sign that says, “I AM A THIEF I STOLE FROM WALMART.”

    Walmart Investigates Nuns As A Potential Threat

    Walmart Investigates Nuns As A Potential Threat

    A group of Benedictine nuns in Texas are shocked that Walmart considers them a threat and ordered a “threat assessment” from their crack security team. The nuns had filed a shareholder resolution that was critical to Walmart. “The Benedictine Sisters of Boerne, Texas have written a letter to Lee Scott, Wal-Mart’s chief executive, to say they were “deeply disappointed, appalled and shocked.”

    Arkansas State Police Director Resigns To Go Work At Walmart

    Arkansas State Police Director Resigns To Go Work At Walmart

    The director of the Arkansas State Police, Colonel Steve Dozier, has resigned from his position, (with provides a salary of $98,400 a year), to join Walmart’s security force. According to WMC TV, Walmart spokesperson Sarah Clark says that Dozier will “oversee several elements of the company’s security program” and will report to Ken Senser, Wal-Mart’s senior vice president for global security, aviation and travel.”

    Walmart's "Great Value" Brand Pizza Could Use Some More Cheese

    Walmart's "Great Value" Brand Pizza Could Use Some More Cheese

    We just found this picture in our inbox with no explanation attached. Why did Shane take a picture of his Walmart pizza and send it to us?