We all love hearing stories of big tippers at restaurants, those generous folks who leave behind piles of money in appreciation. But the generosity trend can swing both ways, as a waitress near Atlanta proved after giving a 72-year-old patron one of her kidneys. The transplant was successful and both are now doing well. [More]

Waitress Nets $1,000 Tip, Tickets To Hawaii, A New Car & Her Dream Job In Best Prank Ever
We know, we know — you’re feeling weary of all things April Fool’s Day/prankish. But bear with this one, because it’ll probably make your insides feel warm and glowy, whether through jealousy or because a deserving waitress just got a crapload of awesome tips during her shift as part of a delightful prank. [More]

Restaurant Customer Tips Three Waitresses $5,000 Each
There’s one trend we have the distinct pleasure in seeing spread, and that is when customers settle big, fat tips on their servers just because. Because it’s fun to surprise people with an unexpected hefty tip, because some people have money to spread around — whatever the case, it’s fun. And it’s even more fun for three waitresses who received $5,000 tips over the weekend. [More]

Man’s Family Determined To Carry Out A Last Request: Order A Pizza & Tip The Server $500
When Aaron passed away at the age of 30, he left his family with a will with all the usual instructions, including that any debt he owed his parents be repaid if he had money in the bank when he died. But he also had another request, one that his family has succeeded in thanks to the generosity of strangers: Order a meal and leave the server a really awesome tip. [More]

Secrets Of Waiters
Michelle Crouch at Reader’s Digest has compiled another list of secrets that your waiter won’t tell you. Some are just going to make you annoyed, like the waitress who lies for sympathy tips. But there are plenty of useful secrets on the list that might improve your experience the next time you go out to eat. [More]

Is It Ever Acceptable Not To Tip At A Restaurant?
Society has determined that service at a restaurant is worth between 15%-20% of the final bill, but is it ever acceptable not to tip?

This Giant Grasshopper Does Not Belong In A Tuna Melt
The Bluebird Cafe in Culver City sold Seth a grasshopper home gussied up us a tuna melt. A waitress deftly handled the very-live and confused grasshopper by picking him up and tossing him on the ground. That’s it. No apology, no replacement sandwich.

Court Rules "World Yacht" Can Be Sued For Not Distributing Gratuities To Its Servers
“Hold on,” you say to yourself—”If it’s a gratuity, doesn’t that by definition mean it goes to the wait staff?” Not if you’re a server for World Yacht, a “luxury dining fleet” in Manhattan that will now be sued by its employees for slapping automatic gratuities on diners’ bills, then keeping the extra money for itself. New York labor laws require “employers to pass on to workers any payments that customers understand to be tips,” but World Yacht argued that the banquet industry was exempt, and its servers should get nothing. Thanks to last week’s ruling, the employees can move forward with their suit.