
HOWTO: Disco

If there’s one thing that’s not being consumed enough these days, it’s dirty, dirty, disco dancing.

Microsoft Tech Leaves Babeluscious Support Message

Amusing rendition of a support call a Microsoft tech left on a customer’s machine with visual aids. The tech’s first language is obviously not English.

Mary Tyler Moore, Oven Sprite

We might have unicorns in Wendy’s commercials but in the 1950’s, they had magical fairies, and Mary Tyler Moore. Before she became Mrs. Dick Van Dyke, Moore was was Happy Hotpoint, a blithe, dancing, 3-inch pixie shilling for Hotpoint appliances on The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet.

Chrysler’s Final 0% Solution

There are absolutely no new ideas in advertising. In this latest proof, Chrysler rips off Volkswagen ripping off Mitsubishi by playing up the combustible engine’s ethnic heritage, in this case, as in VW’s, German. The campaign introduces Dr. Z as CEO and spokesmensch. To cries of “I can’t see any lederhosen,” Daimler replies, “Farfegcocca.”

Comcast, The Bedazzler

Comcast hopes that you will be distracted by these new ads and forget about how much their customer support sucks. What they should really do is capitalize on the sleeping tech fiasco. Do a campaign about how Comcast techs are your buddy. They’re so friendly, you want to hang out with them and play Halo2 and smoke weed and pass out on the sofa together. That tech shouldn’t have been fired, he should have been made company spokesman. Four spots here, found via Adfreak, with hipster mermen, hipster loggers whose jobs have been taken by robots, hipster Das Boot (sucks), and hipster Japanese game show. Whether being cross-bred with sheep and eating skittles or attending officially PRB sanctioned concerts, hipsters are the roxor.

Avery and Phil Oozinate ShopWiki

On Tuesday, we invited all of our readers to head on over to ShopWiki and let them pay you 50 clams for an Oozinator review. Two days later and we’re happy to report that the first video review of the Oozinator is already up, filmed by the very funny Avery and Phil.

An Evening Phone Call with British Telecom

When you get an unwanted phone call from a telemarketer, we don’t really recommend letting one exasperated hand slowly run down your insanely jactitating visage right before your knuckles all pop and you tear your own face clear off. Nor do we recommend threatening to pull the telemarketer inside out by his rectum. That is not responsible consumerism.

Truth in Used Car Advertising

Well, at least they tell it like it is. [NSFW]

Sleepy Comcast Tech Fired

Sleepy Comcast Tech Fired

Plenty of rock a bye babies and sweet dreams await Brian’s Comcast tech, now that he has no job to get up for. The Comcast rep who fell asleep on a customer’s couch while lamely attempting to fix his router has been fired, Comcast said. Brian grabbed a camera and uploaded the proceedings to YouTube, where it got 200,00+ hits and ended up on Countdown on MSNBC. That was Tuesday.

Head On!

We saw this on TV and wanted to snag it. Then we stopped watching TV. Luckily, someone else had the frame of mind to video tape this bizarre commercial for a headache relief stick that you, well, apply directly to forehead.

Catherine Zeta Crab Walk

Not just her train tunnel gaze or air of casual refinement, but Catherine Zeta Jones has certain je ne sais quois captivating us towards her ouevre, most recently her dramatic turn as spokesmodel for T-Mobile.

Microsoft Shares Your Pain

For some reason, we imagine that if Microsoft’s Share Your Pain was real, every Microsoft programmer would be quickly reduced to a gurgling slurry of diced meat. My day’s Windows crashes alone would turn Takeshi Miike’s stomach if inflicted upon some poor Microsoft programming nerd. As usual, deadpan German male sells it.

AOL Canceler on Today Show

Vincent Ferrari showed up on the Today Show for a little morning chat with Matt Lauer. Props to NBC for playing a huge chunk of the conversation, which we haven’t seen done in other media outlets. Of course, they do cut out the part in the call where Vincent says, “you’re annoying the shit out of me” but that’s the breaks of prime time. Matt seems amused and befuddled at Vincent’s affair, guess the networks have decided to sympathise with the little guy on this one.

Delta Tells Ze Frank Off

Videoblogger Ze Frank was promised $600 in remuneration from Delta after some abysmally bad customer service had him not flying and staying in a hotel room with a total stranger. He got a letter in the mail today and instead of a check, he got a big fat go f*** yourself letter. The best part is Ze Frank in an adult diaper. The second best part is that in the letter, Delta refers to an online policy that outlines their responsibilities in these matters (none), and the link is dead upon arrival.

Oozinator Ooze Tested

Captivated by the Oozinator squirt guns possibilities, mainly those involving its ability to shoot ooze, we ordered one. Here is the money shot. It fulfills all your hopes and dreams. This is but a preview of a longer ooze opus. Enjoy.

Gawker Clips Launched

Gawker Clips Launched

Reading is hard and studies show it leads to hair growing on your palms. To combat this, Gawker launched Gawker Clips.

Comcast Tech Falls Asleep on Customer’s Couch

Brian had a Comcast tech come to his house to replace a router, one of two broken ones they provided. The operation shouldn’t have taken but a moment. Instead the tech was on hold with Comcast for 90 minutes. And he fell asleep. Brian made a video documenting the affair.

HazMat Protesters Drop Mad Science

Here’s another version of the DRM protest involving hazmat suits and the San Fran Apple store. It’s got less Talking Heads, more people speaking about (or, heads talking…) about why DRM is bad. If you don’t know why it is, watch. If you do and would like to have your beliefs affirmed, watch. If you like sweaty geeks, watch. All we know is DRM prevented us from easily transmogrifying our sister into the next Grandmaster Flash, so now we’re totally mad against it, even more than we were madly before.