
Does The Future Of Internet Commerce Look Like QVC?

Does The Future Of Internet Commerce Look Like QVC?

Internet retailers may soon embrace video product demonstrations to boost stagnant customer satisfaction levels. Though internet commerce has kept pace with technological changes, many consumers still expect an even richer experience.

Now some observers predict a future where online retailers will essentially adopt something like the QVC model, with sales staff pitching the site’s merchandise with polished video presentations, produced in a high-tech television studio.

VIDEO: Consumerist Catches Geek Squad Stealing Porn From Customer's Computer

VIDEO: Consumerist Catches Geek Squad Stealing Porn From Customer's Computer

UPDATE: Why We’re Not Telling Geek Squad CEO Which Agent Stole The Porn

McDonalds Gets Mad When You Order Drive-thru Wearing Transformers Voice Distortion Helmet

McDonalds Gets Mad When You Order Drive-thru Wearing Transformers Voice Distortion Helmet

While wearing an Optimus Prime voice distortion helmet, Gawker video master Richard Blakely and sidekick Sarah Meyers tried to order a spicy chicken chalupa through McDonald’s drive-thru.

Cellphones Test Positive For Harmful Bacteria AKA Hold Something Against Your Face A Lot And You'll Get Germs On It

The report from January 2006 neglected to say whether the amount found was enough to cause infection, or whether they had tested the cellphone owners for occurrences of the bacteria found on their own phones.

Netflix Lowers Costs As Blockbuster Prepares To Raise Prices

Netflix Lowers Costs As Blockbuster Prepares To Raise Prices

Netflix has reduced the cost of its 2-DVD plan by $1 to $13.99, matching a move made by Blockbuster earlier this month. Blockbuster had expected to be dancing triumphantly atop the battered and bankrupt corpse of its rival by now, but Netflix’s staying power is causing Blockbuster to re-think its strategy. By the end of the year, Blockbuster will raise the price of its Total Access service, which allows subscribers access to its retail locations.

The company said in the filing that it planned to modify its popular Total Access plan before the end of the year to “strike the appropriate balance between continued subscriber growth and enhanced profitability.”

Netflix’s email to subscribers, after the jump:


Target construction worker climbs ladder and peeps on female customer trying on bras (it was a temporary dressing room with no roof). When confronted about the incident, the store manager effectively shrugged her shoulders. With video.


Michigan woman sues Starburst for $25,000+ for permanent personal injuries after biting into a Fruit Chew that she says pulled her jaw out of joint. Get bent, Starburst respectfully replies (VIDEO).

Customer Records His 7-Hour Delayed Flight In All Its Baby-Screaming Glory

• Renaissance music used to depict his waiting wife and child.

Pilot To Stranded Passengers: "I'm Powerless"

[via Today Show]

Strange Dell Fashion Show Announces New Line Of Pretty Colored Laptops

Unable to resist, we sent Gawker video wunderkid Alex Goldberg to tape the affair awesomeness. We hypothesize the fete was conceptually tied to Dell’s new line of Insprions which come in different colors, meaning that Dell has finally caught up to Apple, circa 1998.

Incontinental Airlines

PREVIOUSLY: Continental Airlines Sewage Flight, Eyewitness Account

Man Teaches Apple To Not Repair His Macbook By Smashing It With Sledgehammer

Michael coulda tried calling back again later and getting a different rep, or emailing Steve Jobs, or filing a dispute with the BBB or AG, or any number of different options. Instead, this seems to have been his most personally satisfying option.

TSA Uploads Video Of "Sippy Cup" Incident On Special "MythBusting" Website

TSA Uploads Video Of "Sippy Cup" Incident On Special "MythBusting" Website

The TSA has uploaded the incident report and surveillance video that they claim shows the “sippy cup terrorist” Mom intentionally dumping her child’s water on the floor of the airport after having claimed “she was an officer and flashed her Secret Service badge and credentials and said that she should be exempt from all this and this was a stupid policy and this whole thing was [redacted].” We’re guessing that last word was bullshit, but like we said, that’s just an educated guess.

Watch Out For Poison Colgate

The 5 oz of poison can be identified by these tell-tale package misspellings:

Hacking US Airways' Company Directory To Reach Lost And Found

Here’s the recording of us, spruced up by the visual wizardy of our video slave Alex Goldberg, calling Investor Relations (480-693-1227) yesterday, pressing 0, and brute forcing our way to somebody, anybody, any live person to help us just file a simple (and yes, probably totally hopeless) Lost and Found request.

How To: Tailor Your Shirt With The "Pinch And Pin"

PREVIOUSLY: How To: Sew A Button On The Right Way

Crash Test Your Car!

Crash Test Your Car!

Ever wanted to see what your car would look like if a dummy drove it into a wall (a dummy other than the cousin who borrowed your car for a joyride)? Admit it, you think about it when you get a lousy trade-in price. Thankfully, there’s the Consumer Reports Crash Test videos, where you can see how your car will hold up against things like short concrete walls and other typical objects found along a highway.