When Debra placed an online order from Victoria’s Secret and then returned everything unworn, she didn’t know that she would have to pay an underpants rental fee. She returned merchandise that she had paid $114.16 for, and received $96.69 back. Was that a shipping charge? No, Debra paid to ship the items back herself. Did the items go on sale and she didn’t have a receipt? No, that wasn’t it either. She bought them during a “$15 off a $100 purchase” promotion, and Vicky’s kept the $15 discount that they had given her. Huh? [More]
victoria’s secret

Victoria’s Secret Won’t Be Making A Mastectomy Bra Because It’s “Complicated”
Back in January, the daughter of a breast cancer survivor started an online petition to ask Victoria’s Secret to design a bra for women who have undergone mastectomies. She wrote that she wanted the retailer to create the bra for her mother, and other cancer survivors because often “shopping for bras is such a discouraging, time consuming and frustrating ordeal.” Despite that petition garnering over 120,000 signatures, however, Victoria’s Secret says it’s opting not to make a mastectomy bra, because it doesn’t feel up to the challenge. [More]

Has Victoria’s Secret Already Pulled Controversial Teen-Targeted Collection?
Earlier this month, Victoria’s Secret launched an ad campaign featuring the slogan “Bright Young Things” for its Spring Break collection. Included in this collection were items like panties with “call me” written on the front or “wild” on the rear end — all of which seemed to marketed toward teens. Not surprisingly, some parents were upset and the collection appears to have vanished. [More]

Daughter Of Breast-Cancer Survivor Petitions Victoria’s Secret To Create Nice Bras For Women With Mastectomies
After decades of watching her cancer-survivor mother struggle to find bras that fit, and those bras were either cheap and purely functional or incredibly expensive. So she’s called on Victoria’s Secret to see if the company can make mastectomy bras that look good, fit, and don’t break the bank. [More]

Survey: Barely Half Of E-Mails To Major Retailers Receive Adequate Responses
If you’ve ever written an e-mail to a retailer and either never received a reply or received one that did not adequately answer your question, you’re not alone. In fact, according to a new survey, retailers only provided complete responses to customers’ e-mails 54% of the time. [More]

A Little Pesky Snow Can't Deter Shoppers Set On Spending
Neither rain nor sleet nor snow nor that crap they call wintry mix can keep shoppers out of their favorite stores, even in the depths of cold, blustery and wet January. Numbers are in on last month’s sales, and stores like Costco, Victoria’s Secret and Macy’s are boasting strong numbers. [More]

Retailers, Manufacturers Agree To Reduce Amount Of Lead Used In Handbags
As part of a $1.7 million settlement, over 40 major retailers and apparel manufacturers have agreed to cut back on the amount of lead used in handbags and other accessories. [More]

Executive Emails For Victoria's Secret
Got an issue with Victoria’s Secret that regular customer service can’t or won’t handle? Try escalating it to the top of the laundry heap with these email addresses for senior executives. [More]

VIDEO: Stores Caught Restocking Used Underwear & Lingerie
We try not to be too paranoid about the cleanliness of things we purchase. We’ll purchase used books, buy vintage clothing, drive pre-owned cars. But the “Ick Factor,” as it’s known in the world of science, jumps off the charts when it comes to used undies. But that’s exactly what NBC claims to have discovered at several retail stores. [More]

Victoria Doesn't Seem To Be Keeping My Secrets So Well
A woman who asked us to withhold her name says she was shopping online at Victoria’s Secret and somehow got a follow-up email about an item she placed in her cart but held off on ordering. The woman is mystified because she’s certain she didn’t sign on to the site. [More]

The Duct Tape Shoplifters: Coming Soon To A Mall Near You?
Watch out for organized, highly trained teams of shoplifters in your local mall. They aren’t small-time operators—they stole $23,000 worth of bras and panties from a West Virginia Victoria’s Secret. No, really.

Victoria's Secret Hunts Nationwide To Find Your Panties
In this latest Above and Beyond story, Victoria’s Secret conducts a nationwide search to find the Chris and Becka’s panties.

Class Action Lawsuit: Victoria's Secret Bras Causing Skin Rashes?
Discover Magazine has an interesting blog post about some consumers who were complaining that Victoria’s Secret bras were giving them painful rashes. When their lawyers bought similar bras and had them tested — they were found to contain formaldehyde.

Sweatshop In Queens Produced Clothes For Macy's, the Gap, Banana Republic, Urban Apparel, and Victoria's Secret
New York state labor officials are bringing one of their largest cases ever against Jin Shun, a clothing factory in Queens, New York that employed Chinese immigrants. Inspectors say the company
- cheated its workers out of more than $5 million in pay;
- instructed workers to lie to state inspectors;
- required 6 and 7-day workweeks, sometimes for up to 120 days at a time;
- didn’t pay overtime or minimum wage;
- kept two sets of timecards to fake-out inspectors.
Macy’s says they’re “very concerned” about the case and are investigating it, the Gap says they’re cooperating with authorities, and Victoria’s Secret says they have a “zero tolerance policy” for factories that are unwilling to work with them to achieve compliance—all of which makes us wonder whether any of these companies ever investigated the factory personally. (It’s not like it was in some remote part of China.)

Woman Sues Victoria's Secret Because Of Thong Injury
Macrida Patterson, age 52, is suing Victoria’s Secret, claiming that because of a design problem, a decorative metallic piece affixed to her thong became airborne and struck her in the eye as she was attempting to put on the garment, according to The Smoking Gun. The thong is called a “low-rise v-string” from their “Sexy Little Thing” line (pictured left). The injury has supposedly caused damage to her cornea, causing her to miss work and “will be affecting her the rest of her life.” Details, inside…