Like some other activists, Billy and his gang are mad that Victoria’s Secret mails over a 1 million catalogs a day, 25% of the paper for which comes from the Great Boreal Forest in Canada, one of the world’s largest endangered forests, as reported by TIME in 2005.
victoria’s secret

Nurse-In Planned at Victoria’s Secret
In protest of Victoria’s Secret employees acting like boobs, a national protest plans to whip out theirs.

Victoria’s Las Vegas Secret… or Was it Victor’s?
Not only do the rich have it better, they also write it better. Alex Kuczynki is some affluent broad “The Old Gray Lady” (New York Times) pays to scribe her mercantile extravaganzas. On her latest spree, on the advice of friends, she went to Vegas to partake of its wonderful lingerie purchasing opportunities.

Victoria’s Secret to Customers: “Your Breasts Are Too Large To Shop Here”
This just in. Victoria’s Secret is launching a systematic attack of intimidation, isolation and humiliation… on women with enormous cans.

Victoria’s Secret Sucks: 1 Million Catalogs Mailed Per Day reports on the efforts of Forest Ethics, an environmental advocacy group, to curtail the 1 million catalogs a day that Victoria’s Secrets mass mails out. Since 25% of the paper that Victoria’s Secrets uses comes from the Great Boreal Forest, that’s a lot of endangered trees chainsawed down to feed the pitiful boners of millions of lonely 13 year olds looking for a cheap source of pubescent titillation.