Daughter Of Breast-Cancer Survivor Petitions Victoria’s Secret To Create Nice Bras For Women With Mastectomies

The petition asks Victoria’s Secret to consider making a line of bras for women who have had a mastectomy.
The daughter started her petition on Change.org earlier this month and has already amassed more than 27,000 signatures.
In the letter addressed to various higher-ups at VS and its parent company Limited Brands, she writes:
So many of us have mothers, daughters, and friends who have faced breast cancer. These inspiring women who have had mastectomy surgery as part of their treatment deserve to feel beautiful, too.
Victoria’s Secret is known for helping women feel confident and comfortable. Please celebrate the strength and hope of the survivors in our lives with a “Survivor” line of mastectomy bras.
“Victoria’s Secret is supposed to make women feel beautiful, yet the women that deserve that feeling the most get left out,” explains the daughter in a statement. “Every woman knows someone that has been impacted by breast cancer, and women are passionate about this cause. What better way to give back to women than to help cancer survivors feel good about themselves?”
Heck, if Hasbro can be convinced to create a gender-neutral Easy-Bake oven, maybe a petition will get Victoria’s Secret — or maybe some other company that wants to step in and get noticed — to create a line of bras for women who have undergone a mastectomy.
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