If you’ve got any old VHS tapes still kicking around, now might be a good time to make sure they weren’t rentals you forgot to return way back when. Otherwise, you may find yourself clapped in handcuffs, like a North Carolina man who was recently arrested for failing to return a VHS copy of Freddy Got Fingered to a video store in 2002. Yes, this really happened. [More]

Man’s Eventual, Inevitable Death Only Obstacle In His Quest To Own Every VHS Copy Of ‘Speed’
Do you own a VHS copy of Speed, that 1994 insta-classic starring one vacant-eyed Keanu Reeves and a young Sandy Bullock? There’s a guy in Idaho who’d like it, because he only has about 550 VHS copies as it stands and he’d really like to own um, all of them, before he dies. Eventually. [More]

On This Day In 1984, The Supreme Court Saved The VCR From Certain Death
Does the thought of missing your favorite show make you want to sit firmly planted in front of the television all day every day? What if you didn’t have the option of using a DVR or (gasp!) tape recorder? You almost didn’t, except for an important ruling made 30 years ago. [More]

Poll: 58% Of Americans Still Have A VCR
A new Gallup poll is making me very jealous, because I still have VHS tapes lying around that I can’t watch because my roommate made me throw out my old TV/VCR combo. Anyway! It turns out that 58% of Americans still have a VCR, which yes, is down from the 88% in 2005, but is still remarkable in this age of HD and digital whatnots. Anyone want to watch old taped episodes of My So-Called Life? I’ve got the VHS, if you’ve got the VCR. [Gallup] [More]
Rite Aid Retail Archaeologist Uncovers Full-Price VHS Movie
It’s not out of the question that someone might want to purchase a copy of the film version of “A Series of Unfortunate Events. It’s not difficult to imagine that they might even pick it up at Rite-Aid, and that they might be willing to pay $20 for an eight-year-old movie. What caught reader Jay’s attention, though, was that the film was in his local pharmacy’s discount DVD bin, at full price––and on VHS. [More]

Woman Arrested For Keeping Rented Movies 10 Years Past Due Date
A woman in Iowa was arrested last week for the theft of three video tapes from a local video store. She rented them in May of 1998, and a charge was filed against her in September of that same year after she repeatedly neglected to return them.

Video Mailbox: Like Netflix, Only 15 Years Too Early
I had always thought that mail-order video rental only came to be after the invention of DVDs because video tapes are too bulky and delicate to send through the mail on a regular basis. I was wrong.

Amazon sells "Man on the Moon" VHS for $100+
I liked Jim Carrey’s portrayal of “song-and-dance-man” Andy Kaufman as much as the next guy, but these Amazon.com glitches are beginning to get to me.[Thanks, Eric!] [Amazon]