We usually think of data as something that cycles monthly: your mobile bill comes once a month, and it has all your data charges on it. Bandwidth you use on the 1st is essentially interchangeable with bandwidth you use on the 15th or 30th. But Verizon is apparently tired of thinking monthly, and is now going a little shorter-term. As in, hourly. [More]
verizon wireless

Amid Reports Of Billing Issues, FCC Sees Spike In Verizon Wireless Complaints
Amid recent reports of Verizon Wireless customers getting dinged on their phone bills with unexpected data overages, it may come as no surprise that the Federal Communications Commission has seen a spike in complaints related to the company. [More]

Verizon Won’t Walk Away From Yahoo Deal, But May Want A Discount
Last week there were rumors swirling that Verizon was angling to get $1 billion off the $4.8 billion price it’s agreed to pay to buy Yahoo’s internet business. This week, the company’s CEO says there’s no way Verizon is going to leave Yahoo at the altar after its recent troubles, but that being said, there are some factors to consider when it comes to that final price. [More]

Verizon Reportedly Trying To Get $1B Discount On Yahoo Purchase
It’s normal to get cold feet before a wedding, especially if your intended is a technology company that is facing legal action after millions of user accounts were breached, and everyone was saying you’d created a spy tool for the government to snoop on users’ emails. That’s reportedly why Verizon is angling to get $1 billion off the $4.8 billion price it agreed to pay to purchase Yahoo’s internet business. [More]

Verizon Joins AT&T In Testing Drones That Act As Flying LTE Antennae
There are certain times in every wireless company’s life when their network needs a boost, whether it’s because of a natural disaster or the pope’s in town. On the heels of AT&T’s announcement that it’s testing drones as flying LTE antennae, Verizon Wireless says it’s been doing basically the same thing, and has been working on it for the past few years. [More]

Verizon Employee Illegally Sold Customer Information For As Little As $50/Month
A Verizon Wireless employee has pleaded guilty to violating federal law by selling customer phone records and location data to a private investigator, starting at a measly $50 a month. [More]

What’s Going Wrong With Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Exchanges — And What You Can Do
Samsung issued an official recall of the defective, flammable, potentially exploding Galaxy Note 7 phone just over a week ago. Since then, consumers who own the defective devices have been trying to get the exchanges they’re due… but it’s not always going so well. [More]

Some Verizon Customers Say They Aren’t Getting Data Overage Alerts Anymore
Amid recent reports of Verizon Wireless customers getting dinged on their bills for going over their monthly data allotments, some of these subscribers say they are going over their data limits because Verizon stopped sending them overage alerts. [More]

If You Actually Want Comcast To Be Your Mobile Provider, 2017’s Your Year
If you really want more Comcast in your life, and you’re tired of all the options you already have for mobile phone service, well, Comcast’s CEO has some good news for you. Coming soon, the cable company America most loves to hate is cutting its own cord, and going wireless. [More]

Verizon Wireless Decides Not To Make Florida Woman Pay For $8,535 In Data Overages
The Florida woman who was shocked to receive a $9,100 bill from Verizon Wireless for data she says she couldn’t possibly have used is off the hook, as the company has decided not to make her pay up. [More]

Woman Hit With $9,100 Verizon Wireless Bill For Data She Says She Didn’t Use
A Florida woman who says she barely ever uses her monthly allotment of data recently received a bill from Verizon Wireless for $9,153, claiming she had used 569 GB of data in the span of about 10 days. [More]

Reminder: Your iPhone’s WiFi Assist May Get You Data Overage Charges Galore
If you need a reminder to turn off the WiFi assist feature included in iOS 9, now’s the time, after yet another report of folks getting hit with data overages because they weren’t aware of what their phones were doing without their knowledge. [More]

Verizon Wants To Sell App Installations On Your Phone To Advertisers
Space on your Android phone is for sale, if you’re a Verizon customer, and according to ad agency executives who have worked on such deals. Verizon activates an estimated 20 million new Android phones every year, so even a small amount per installation could add up for the mobile company, assuming that customers would tolerate it. Would they? [More]

Verizon Kind Of Wants To Be Your New Netflix, But With More Ads
If it feels like the media and technology worlds of late are constantly going through this weird, ebbing, flowing, overlapping process, well, you’re not wrong. Jumping into the fray most recently is Verizon, which not only has its own streaming service but also now wants to sell you on original content… that it can, of course, stuff with advertising for your eyeballs. [More]

Verizon Thinking About Maybe Expanding FiOS Again After All, Sort Of
Verizon has been very clear, repeatedly, that they are over this whole FiOS thing. They are happy with the service they provide and the footprint in which they provide it, and do not have expansion plans for the future. Oh, wait, though — except for that thing where now they actually totally do. [More]

Report: Verizon Wireless To Increase Data Caps, Plan Prices
Verizon may not have unveiled anything big on July 1st, but according to the rumor mill and the ever-popular “source familiar with the situation,” they’re still planning big things in July. Those plans include increasing the data cap on all of their wireless plans… but at a cost. [More]

Major Wireless Carriers Offering Free Calls, Texts To Turkey After Istanbul Airport Attack
In the wake of a suspected terrorist attack at Istanbul’s airport that killed 41 people and wounded 239 more, the four major wireless carriers in the U.S. are offering to connect customers with their loved ones in Turkey for free. [More]