verizon wireless

Verizon Wireless Roadside Assistance Apologizes For Sucking

Verizon Wireless Roadside Assistance Apologizes For Sucking

Earlier this month we shared Jason’s tale of incompetent Verizon Wireless Roadside Assistance—how the operator “helping” him acted like she’d been huffing paint on her break, and eventually just abandoned him with a “Sorry, I can’t help,” left on his voicemail. Verizon saw Jason’s story and contacted him about it. Below is the follow up he sent us yesterday.

Verizon Wireless Roadside Assistance CSR Running On Empty, Just Like Your Vehicle

Verizon Wireless Roadside Assistance CSR Running On Empty, Just Like Your Vehicle

Here are the morals of this story:

Verizon Wireless Going Contract-Free Next Week?

Verizon Wireless Going Contract-Free Next Week?

If the website Boy Genius Report is correct, next week Verizon Wireless will start offering contract-free, month-to-month service. Pretty much everyone will be eligible for it, but of course you’ll have to pay full price for a phone or bring your own, there’ll be an activation fee that can’t be waived, and if you take advantage of any special offers that require a contract, you’ll have to switch over to a contract agreement. It’s supposed to start on September 21st.

Reach Verizon Wireless West Coast Executive Customer Service

Reach Verizon Wireless West Coast Executive Customer Service

866-673-9561 is the number to reach Verizon Wireless executive customer service on the West Coast. Only use it when normal routes of customer service have repeatedly failed, be nice, be able to condense your story in about 2 sentences, and don’t forget these tips for dealing with executive customer service.


Contractor crime isn’t just for Comcast: Two men in Verizon Wireless longsleeves robbed a 64-year-old lady’s home at gunpoint, binding her and her live-in-aid’s hands and taking cash, jewelry, and electronics. []

Reach Tier 2 And 3 Support At Verizon Wireless

Reach Tier 2 And 3 Support At Verizon Wireless

One more number to add to the Verizon Wireless Executive Rolodex: 866-237-9122.

Updated: Reach Verizon Wireless Executive Customer Service

Updated: Reach Verizon Wireless Executive Customer Service

Here are a several direct lines for Verizon Wireless executive customer service reps, good for when lower level customer service reps and their supervisors fail you. These are the folks imbued with godly powers to fix customer service problems at all levels. It’s like playing Super Mario Brothers using Game Shark.

Reach Verizon Wireless Executive Customer Service Desk

Reach Verizon Wireless Executive Customer Service Desk

Here is another phone number to reach the Verizon Wireless executive customer service desk: 845-365-7700. If that number doesn’t work, here are some others to try.

Why Are Text Messages Marked Up 7314%?

Why Are Text Messages Marked Up 7314%?

Verizon and other cellphone companies mark up the cost of text messages by at least 7314% when compared to their rates for data transfer services. [More]

Verizon Sells Customer Impossible KRZR

Verizon Sells Customer Impossible KRZR

A base assumption of consumerism is that the product you buy will actually work. This, as we all know, is rank naivete. But it is also apparently naive to believe that the product you just purchased actually exists: it doesn’t.

Verizon “Unlimited” Wireless Stills Hates Porn

Seems like just about everyone wrote us over the weekend to tell us just how wide Verizon was stretching the starfish of all its Unlimited Wireless Broadband customers. So let’s give ’em a shout-out for thinking of us! Thanks, jpac, Travis, Jeff, Uncle Bob and Sarlac, to name only a few!

Verizon Wireless: “You’re All Wet.”

Verizon Wireless: “You’re All Wet.”

Katy calls Verizon Wireless when the screen on her Motorola RAZR breaks for no reason. The CSR tells her she must have gotten it wet. Katy points out that for this to have happened, an unprecedented miracle would have had to occur, in which her purse’s contents suddenly transmuted to liquid then immediately transmuted back. They strongly insinuate she’s lying.

Secret Verizon Level Probed Further

Secret Verizon Level Probed Further

In the comments, Matto points out the so-called “Verizon Vcast VIP” domain is registered to some guy in Cali.

Verizon Does Nice Things, For Nice People

Verizon Does Nice Things, For Nice People

After all these emails arrived chastizing us for sending people to a phish site in hopes of attaining 100 free Verizon minutes, we called Verizon to check it out.

UPDATED: Verizon Wireless Does Something Nice

UPDATE: We called Verizon and they confirmed this is a legitimate offer.

The Truth About ‘5’

The Truth About ‘5’

5. A word or maybe a number that causes even the most profane to turn a pallid green; that triggers the bile reflex in even those who can listen unblinking to Bob Saget’s version of The Aristocrats. So claims Verizon: amongst words like “fleshpopsicle” and “whiteswallow”, it stands testament to the deepest depravity of the human soul.

Words You Can’t Say on Verizon Wireless: ‘5’

Words You Can’t Say on Verizon Wireless: ‘5’

The Ruby Red Bag is back, along with it’s thirty four foul-mouthed compatriots! And then fifty obscene lodge brothers. And the mysterious number “5”.

Verizon Wireless: “Our Phones Won’t Last Two Years”

Straight from the source: that Verizon Wireless phone you’re planning on dropping a bill or two on won’t last two years. From Lars: