
FiOS Is Great, If Verizon Ever Manages To Actually Install It

FiOS Is Great, If Verizon Ever Manages To Actually Install It

Ben is getting some crappy customer service from Verizon in attempting to get FiOS installed. His phone is disconnected, they made a half-assed install, don’t show up for installs, don’t call, oh, and he still doens’t have FiOS. He writes:

To file amongst other I hate Verizon articles. Typing and summarizing while on hold with Verizon for approximately the 8th time…

Customers Will Get FiOS Optical All The Way To Their Apartments, Verizon Plans

Customers Will Get FiOS Optical All The Way To Their Apartments, Verizon Plans

The AP made a major correction to a Verizon FiOS story we posted about yesterday. In that story, Verizon’s head of FiOS stuff for apartments said that Verizon wouldn’t be able to run optical cable up to all the apartments in two Manhattan apartment complexes and would use coaxial for the last leg. Verizon said not all apartments have the specs needed to install a necessary wall-mounted box. After the story came out, Verizon now says that it does plan to run optical to all the way up apartments that order FiOS. You may have to give up your medicine cabinent, but hey, you’re blazing with the speed of FiOS, baby!

Verizon Clerk Threatens Customers With Switchblade

Verizon Clerk Threatens Customers With Switchblade

A Verizon store employee in Monticello New York was charged with criminal possession of a weapon after threatening two customers with a switchblade knife after getting into an argument with them. The disagreement spilled out into the parking lot where the 27-year old employee, Shereem S. Burch, continued to wave his blade at the couple. Most likely they were probably trying to get out of contract without paying termination fee and Shereem decided to take matters into his own hands and exact a little termination fee of his own devising.

Not All Verizon FiOS Customers Will Get 100% Fiber

Not All Verizon FiOS Customers Will Get 100% Fiber

CORRECTION: Customers Will Get FiOS Optical All The Way To Their Apartments, Verizon Plans

Round 8: Allstate vs Verizon

Round 8: Allstate vs Verizon

This is round 8 in our Worst Company in America 2008 contest, Allstate vs Verizon.

Verizon, Not Google Is The Big Wireless Spectrum Winner

Verizon, Not Google Is The Big Wireless Spectrum Winner

Choke back the tears, kids—Verizon, not Google won the majority of the wireless spectrum actioned off by the FCC.

Verizon Erases, Then Restores, Dead Wife's Lost Voice

Verizon Erases, Then Restores, Dead Wife's Lost Voice

Verizon snipped one of the few remaining threads connecting Charles Whiting to his dead wife when they upgrade the 80-year-old man’s phone system. The update erased his wife saying, “The Whitings aren’t home,” a message Mr. Whiting listened to every day for the comfort it gave him. When Whiting called to complain, he was left on hold for an hour and was then disconnected. Then he waited on hold for another 90 minutes, only to be told that his wife’s voice was lost forever. Whiting said, “It was like she was still with me when I heard that. Now they took her voice away.” After his story hit the news circuit, Verizon restored the previously “irretrievable” message. Amazing how a little bad press works to get good customer service.

On The Radio, FiOS Free TV Promotion Changed To Free Gift Cards

Further distancing itself from its problematic free TV promotion (which for some customer has so far been lacking in free TVs), a reader in the Bronx reports that Verizon FiOS triple-play bundle ads on the radio are now offering $200 gift cards for Circuit City. As previously noted, the TV ads are now touting free Samsung digital cameras.

Whistleblower Confirms He Worked On Warrantless Wiretapping Program For "A Large Wireless Company"

Whistleblower Confirms He Worked On Warrantless Wiretapping Program For "A Large Wireless Company"

Another person has stepped forward to allege that a “major wireless carrier” may have aided the FBI’s warrantless wiretapping program. He claims he was brought in to work with the company on something called the Quantico Circuit, “a high-speed line from the wireless carrier to an unnamed third party. Quantico, Va., is the site of a U.S. intelligence and military base.”

“The circuit was tied to the organization’s core network,” Pasdar stated in the affidavit. “It had access to the billing system, text messaging, fraud detection, Web site, and pretty much all the systems in the data center without restrictions.”

Man Escapes Verizon ETF Via EECB

Man Escapes Verizon ETF Via EECB

Talyor was able to leave his Verizon contract without paying an early termination fee by launching an executive email carpet bomb loaded with a polite email. In it, he says that customer service reps have refused to transfer him to a supervisor and now he needs some help. In the ensuing email exchange with the executive customer service rep who helps him, he tells her how he wants to leave because of the raise in text message rates. Frequent readers of The Consumerist will remember that when a cellphone company raises its text message rates, it’s a material change to the contract, meaning that the original contract is void and the other party can walk away from the contract without penalty. Taylor wins because he’s polite, professional, persistent, and acts like he’s conducting a business transactions, which is exactly what he’s doing. Read his blow by blow exchange, inside…

7 Confessions Of A Verizon DSL Tech Support Rep

7 Confessions Of A Verizon DSL Tech Support Rep

A former employee has stepped forward to tell us what it’s like to work as tech support rep in a Verizon DSL call center. Learn about how the supervisors aren’t really supervisors, the numbers and call times the reps have to meet to keep their jobs (and the sneaky tricks they use to meet these numbers), and more…

Reach 5 High-Up Verizon Wireless People

Reach 5 High-Up Verizon Wireless People

Some cellphone problems are like a nagging itch in the middle of your back you can’t reach, if and Tier-1 customer service can’t either, some of the five Verizon Wireless muckety-mucks after the jump might be able to help you scratch it if you call or email them.

Verizon Changes "Free LCD TV " Promotion To "Free Digital Camcorder" Promotion

As a followup to the people who complained about not getting their free TV from the FiOS triple play promotion, I saw that they changed their commercials. Instead of advertising a free Sharp 19-inch LCD HDTV, they’re now saying that you’ll get a free digital camcorder when you order your triple-play bundle. They must really be having problem fulfilling those orders. According to sometimes broken Verizon PolicyBlog, every one who qualified for a TV will get one, you just have to have patience and give Verizon a break; their TV-giving division just isn’t as advanced as their money-taking division.

Verizon Cancels Returning Marines' Cellphones, Gives Their Number Away, Charges Them $500

Verizon Cancels Returning Marines' Cellphones, Gives Their Number Away, Charges Them $500

Two Marines, a husband and wife, found Verizon had an unpleasant welcome-home gift waiting for them when they got back from serving in Iraq: canceled cellphones, a $500 bill, and their phone numbers were given to other people. Under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, when a soldier goes off to war, they’re able to send their deployment letters to their service companies and get their service put on hold. Apparently in the case of Haley Katz and her husband, that letter wasn’t good enough. When they complained a reached a manager, the manager told them it was their fault they owed the money, and then hung up on them. Read their letter as published in Stars and Stripes, inside…

Verizon Responds To Angry Customers Who Have Not Received Their Free LCD TVs

Verizon Responds To Angry Customers Who Have Not Received Their Free LCD TVs

Verizon has posted a Q&A that tries to address some of the concerns their customers were having over an LCD TV promotion that’s gone awry.

Call The CEO Of Verizon

Call The CEO Of Verizon

if you have a Verizon landline issue that has been escalated to management but you’re still not getting a satisfactory answer, you may want to try kicking it up to the CEO or his close cadre of immediate minions. Maybe you can ask them where your f***ing “Free LCD TV” is.

Verizon Customer Service Number Rings A Phone Sex Line

Verizon Customer Service Number Rings A Phone Sex Line

I called that 866 number, and there was a 15 second recording about ‘men and women chatting worldwide’ that gave an 800 number and then hung up the call automatically. If you call the 800 number that’s spoken by that recorded message, you are greeted as a ‘sexy guy’, and then the menu system proceeds to tell you about horny women that want to talk to you.

Verizon FiOS "Free LCD TV" Promotion Resulting In A Lot Of Angry Customers

Verizon FiOS "Free LCD TV" Promotion Resulting In A Lot Of Angry Customers

Reader Mary says that she ordered Verizon FiOS during the “free LCD TV” promotion they were running, but she still hasn’t received the letter she needs in order to start the rebate process.