
Reach Verizon Wireless Executive Customer Service Desk

Reach Verizon Wireless Executive Customer Service Desk

Here is another phone number to reach the Verizon Wireless executive customer service desk: 845-365-7700. If that number doesn’t work, here are some others to try.

Verizon Infuriates Baseball Fans With "Misleading" Blog Post "Announcing" MLB Extra Innings On FiOS

Verizon Infuriates Baseball Fans With "Misleading" Blog Post "Announcing" MLB Extra Innings On FiOS

Back in February of this year, Verizon posted the following message titled “MLB Coming to FiOS, Mom and Apple Pie Rejoice!” on their Policy Blog:

Reader Uses Being Nice To Quickly Escapes Verizon Without Early Termination Fee

Reader Uses Being Nice To Quickly Escapes Verizon Without Early Termination Fee

Mason used the increase in monthly administrative…

Verizon Offering Credits To Keep You From Escaping Contract Without Early Termination Fee

Verizon Offering Credits To Keep You From Escaping Contract Without Early Termination Fee

Alicia wants to escape her Verizon contract…

Escape Verizon Without Early Termination Fee Based On Administrative Charge Increase

Escape Verizon Without Early Termination Fee Based On Administrative Charge Increase

Verizon is increasing the monthly administrative…

Reach Verizon Wireless Executive Customer Service

Reach Verizon Wireless Executive Customer Service

Here is a new number for reaching the Verizon Wireless Executive offices: 908-306-6750. They picked up right away for us. 910-794-6232 for Lisa Bennett, Executive Customer Relations, still works, as does a general executive office inline, 910-794-6200. Use the info in this post to guide your contact through the process of dealing with executive customer relations.

James At Verizon Fiber Solutions Center Deserves A Cold Beer

James At Verizon Fiber Solutions Center Deserves A Cold Beer

James at Verizon Fiber Solutions Center, this is The Consumerist calling to say that you deserve a beer. One of our readers shared with us a story about how you went above and beyond the call of duty to get his router fixed. You could have just left Jeff with “the tech should arrive,” but instead you took a personal interest in Jeff’s case and got his problem solved. You rule. Jeff’s story, inside…

Union Hits Picket Line To Protest Verizon's Poor Customer Service

Union Hits Picket Line To Protest Verizon's Poor Customer Service

The IBEW 824 union is generating good business for the stick and sign makers of western Florida. First they picketed over Verizon ignoring the quality of its copper lines at the expense of pushing out FiOS. Now they’re picketing over what they say is Verizon’s poor customer service. One self-identifying union member said in the comments on this local news bit, “We are losing customers because of billing problems. We are losing customers because when the customers call in with billing or installation problems the employees are told to focus on “educating the customer on Verizon products and services” not on correcting their problem or answering their questions. ” Verizon’s response was that they haven’t gotten many complaints from customers.

Verizon Doesn't Care That Someone Hijacked Your Account While You Were Serving Overseas

Verizon Doesn't Care That Someone Hijacked Your Account While You Were Serving Overseas

While Barbie was in Greece serving in the US Military, her cellphone account was hijacked by a strange scammer in Texas. (Barbie is not from Texas.) Because her Verizon account is supposed to be on hold, it took her awhile to figure out what was going on with her her supposedly dormant account. Now Verizon Wireless doesn’t believe her case is really fraud, and she’s sent this letter of complaint to the FCC.

Internal Documents Show Why Verizon Isn't Fulfilling Advertised Discounts For Tens Of Thousands

Internal Documents Show Why Verizon Isn't Fulfilling Advertised Discounts For Tens Of Thousands

These internal Verizon emails, sent by the same insider and as a a followup to “LEAKS: Insider Says Verizon Isn’t Fulfilling Advertised Discounts For Tens Of Thousands,” shows why some of our readers have complained about Verizon offering them one price and billing them another, and then being inflexible in offering service credits. It appears to show that Verizon mailed out a half a million “Blitz” promotional rate cards, then decided it was an error and pulled the offer from the computers. Then Verizon let people get the advertised offers, but only if the customer specifically asked for it. Around the same time, on March 3rd, management cuts the discounts reps can give to $150. Two weeks later, it’s $50. Two weeks after that, it’s zero. Even if a customer was overbilled and legitimately deserved a credit, tough titties, Texas, you weren’t going to get it. Verizon insider’s explanation, rebuttal to the response by Verizon PR pointman John Bonomo, and the internal emails, inside…

New Number To Reach US-Based Verizon DSL Customer Service

New Number To Reach US-Based Verizon DSL Customer Service

Here’s a new number to replace the old number we posted that directly connects you to US-Based, native English-speaking Verizon DSL reps in Columbus, OH (strangely, the old number is now a busy signal, I wonder why). The tipster who passed the number off says the Columbus “Get Conected DSL Gate, “has no handle time (east gate is notorious for passing people off or making up RTVs (return to vendors) because “floor walkers” pester people after times get past 13 minutes) and can help with as many supported issues as you want.” The number is 614-219-5927 (the old, non-working number was 614-219-5900).

Verizon Claims You Weren't Home, Decides To Grab Lunch At Applebee's?

Verizon Claims You Weren't Home, Decides To Grab Lunch At Applebee's?

I waited all morning for Verizon to come fix our landline (our cell phones barely work in our apartment), and around 11:30 I had Sam call them from work, and they told him they had come by the apartment and no one was there so they left, and that they had called my cell phone.

Verizon Can't Connect Dry Loop DSL To Your New Apartment, Blames You For Moving

Verizon Can't Connect Dry Loop DSL To Your New Apartment, Blames You For Moving

Verizon assured Erich that he could transfer his dry loop DSL service to his new apartment, but now that he’s moved, they’re telling him he can only receive traditional DSL service with a dial tone. Since Verizon is failing to live up to their contractual obligations, Erich asked to cancel without an early termination fee. Verizon refused to waive the fee, claiming that Erich was at fault for moving.

Verizon CSR: My FiOS Bill Is Always Wrong, Too

Verizon CSR: My FiOS Bill Is Always Wrong, Too

The Tampa Bay Tribune has a fascinating article about the sales-centric culture at Verizon’s customer service call centers. The CSRs are given large bonuses (sometimes thousands of dollars) for selling services to people who call in looking to correct their bills.

Verizon Won't Install Your DSL, But Wants $79 To "Disconnect" It

Verizon Won't Install Your DSL, But Wants $79 To "Disconnect" It

If you can’t free up any time from 9-5 on a weekday to have your Verizon DSL installed, the company will still bill you for the “service” you’re not receiving says reader Joshua. If you’d like them to stop doing this, they’ll charge you a $79 disconnect fee.

Union To Protest Verizon Ignoring Its Copper Phone Lines

Union To Protest Verizon Ignoring Its Copper Phone Lines

Florida Verizon workers are going to picket Verizon HQ on Monday because, in their quest to lay down the fiber, the union says Verizon is neglecting the copper, reports DSL reports.

“Verizon is not letting us do our jobs, and not letting us take care of the customer,” said Doug Sellers, president of the union that represents Verizon call center and repair workers, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 824. “Customers are waiting up to 10 days to get their phone lines fixed … If you have something as simple as static on your line, that could be out 10 to 15 days.

Customer complaints have gone up, and union workers says preventative maintenance has been largely forgotten about in some places, an accusation supported by the findings of several state public utilities commissioners. Are you a Verizon landline customer? Have you noticed things getting worse? Let us know in the comments.

Lawsuit Says Verizon's Text Message TV Show Contests Are "Illegal Gambling"

Lawsuit Says Verizon's Text Message TV Show Contests Are "Illegal Gambling"

A class-action lawsuit has been filed in California against Verizon and several third-party companies, alleging that they promoted illegal gambling by enticing customers to pay to enter contests in which there was an “infinitesimally” small chance of winning, reports RCRWireless. “The suit centers on 99-cent charges levied on wireless consumers who played contests associated with popular TV shows like ‘Deal or No Deal’ and ‘Sole Survivor.'” The plaintiffs claim that the contests were less promotional sweepstakes than “illegal lotteries designed to generate revenues far in excess of the value of the cash awarded.”

LEAKS: Insider Says Verizon Isn't Fulfilling Advertised Discounts For Tens Of Thousands

LEAKS: Insider Says Verizon Isn't Fulfilling Advertised Discounts For Tens Of Thousands

A mysterious letter was anonymously faxed to our headquarters by a self-described “disgusted” Verizon customer service rep angry at how he/she says Verizon is screwing over landline customers. Here’s the highlights of his gut-spilling:

  • 30,000+ people nationwide have still not received the free HDTVs Verizon promised new FiOS triple-play subscribers
  • Verizon totally screwed up the “blitz” promotion, leading some customers signing up and not getting their discounts, others getting too much discount, and others not getting their discount for months
  • Employees issued over $1 million in credit in January ’08, double what was given out in Jan ’07
  • $250 in discretionary credit has been reduced to $50
  • Internally, Verizon refers to customer service reps who give out “too much” credit due are called “offenders.”