It’s a matter for some debate whether the continued existence of single-serving packages of Velveeta is good or bad in general for humanity. America narrowly avoided last year’s threatened Velveeta shortage, and its manufacturer Kraft considered taking the smallest packages of their processed cheese product off the market. Then they looked more closely at their sales numbers and noticed something interesting. [More]

Kraft Recalls Batch Of Velveeta Because….Not Enough Preservative Makes Cheese Spoil Too Fast
If you’re thinking of whipping up a pot of creamy cheese dip this weekend, you might want to inspect your block of Velveeta carefully. [More]

Why Do Velveeta Cheese Slices Have Different Calorie Counts Depending On The Package Size?
Sometimes we have questions from you, our fresh-faced and bright-eyed Consumerist readers, that we just don’t have an answer for. And when that happens, we will move heaven and earth to get the answers. Or just you know, look into things. Thus it was with the Mystery Of Velveeta Cheese Slices And Differing Calorie Counts. [More]

January Food And Supplement Recall Roundup: Dairy Invasion
Undeclared dairy products seem to be showing up in lots of places where they aren’t wanted: candy, gluten-free bread mixes, and even dietary supplements. Welcome to the January Recall Roundup for edible items. [More]

The Cheesepocalypse Is Nigh: Velveeta Warns Of Coming Shortage
Grab your buttered bread and favorite grilled cheese pan close, folks, because we could be in for a doozy: Velveeta has announced it’s facing a shortage and so of course, everyone is panicking adorably over the idea of a (dun dun dun [dramatic noise]) CHEESEPOCALYPSE. Because it’s not like there aren’t any other cheese options out there…. oh, wait. [More]

Velveeta Understands The Internet, Sends Nyan Cat Creator One-Of-A-Kind T-Shirt
In an applause-worthy move on Velveeta’s part, the brand has provided delightful evidence that it does, indeed, understand the Internet. Nyan Cat’s creator Chris Torres was disappointed with the paltry amount of pasta in his quick cup, and tweeted as such. Velveeta’s cheesy ears were listening. [More]

Kraft Recalls 137,000 Velveeta Shells & Cheese Cups Because Thin Pieces Of Wire Are Not Part Of Your Daily Diet
Kraft Foods has announced a recall of three varieties of Velveeta Shells & Cheese single serve microwaveable cups as a precaution due to the “possible presence of small, thin wire bristle pieces.” [More]