The flood of complaints cometh for US Airways. A mountain of angrily worded, capital-letters writ correspondences, accompanied by suggestive stewardess voodoo dolls and the bleating, decapitated heads of voodoo-possessed pigs.
U.S. Airways

How Many Clicks Does It Take to Get To The Center of an Airplane?
Or, which airline has the least suckiest website? Jaunted, “The Pop Culture Travel Guide,” did a site scramble to find out.

US Airways Kills Peanuts
They still had peanuts? Well, no longer as you can now add US Airways to the list of airlines not serving bagged tributes to George Washington Carver. The airline claims it’s to stop peanut particles drifting from passenger’s gnashing maws and into the orifices of peanut allergy sufferers, a deadly disaster that also serves as the premise for last summer’s blockbuster, “Peanuts on a Plane.”

AirTran Wins, Midwest Loses in Fastest Telephone Customer Service
Here’s the results of our week-long investigation into how fast it took airlines to pick up the phone.

Time to Human, Airlines, Day 5
All week we’ve been calling the airlines to see how long it takes their customer service reps to answer the phone. Here’s today’s rankings:

Time to Human, Airlines, Day 4
Midwest, while once again the loser, performed slightly better today.

Time to Human, Airlines, Day 3
Nothing can stop us from calling up all the airlines and comparing how fast it takes a carbon-based life form to pick up the phone. Not even the tinkly pianissimo of Midwest’s hold line. We foil all the automated response system’s attempts to pry out more information about an actual ticket using the short circuit shortcuts provided by GetHuman.

Time to Human, Airlines, Day 2
We’re calling the major airlines this week to see how long it takes them to pick up.

Time to Human, Airlines, Day 1
The statistics train keeps on rolling. We called up many major airlines this afternoon and here’s how long it took for them to pick up.