U.S. Airways

Don't Fly Without A Copy Of Rule 240

Don't Fly Without A Copy Of Rule 240

If it’s the airline’s fault that your flight is delayed or canceled or you missed your connection, whip out a copy of their Rule 240.

VIDEO: US Airways Baggage Handler Plays Tee-Ball With Packages

The USPS tubes and boxes were set to board America West flight 131 from San Francisco to Las Vegas this Sunday, April 1.

Everyone Loves Southwest Airlines, Hates United And US Airways

Everyone Loves Southwest Airlines, Hates United And US Airways

The new Airline Quality Rating is out and Southwest airlines received the fewest complaints of any airline in 2006. United and US Airways both tied for the highest number of complaints.

Air Travel Just Got More Expensive, Again

Air Travel Just Got More Expensive, Again

A $5 (each way) fare hike survived through the weekend with all five major carriers adopting it, according to USAToday:

Bankrupt Delta Air Lines was the first to raise fares last week on flights within the continental United States. The move was quickly matched by rivals.

JetBlue Canceled Twice As Many Flights Today As Anyone Else

JetBlue Canceled Twice As Many Flights Today As Anyone Else

Several airlines canceled flights today due to snow and ice in the northeast, with JetBlue canceling twice as many as the next guy.

USAirways Loses Costumes, Ruins Carnivale

USAirways Loses Costumes, Ruins Carnivale

Some of my friends and I went to Venice for the Carnivale last month, and we wound up without our costumes, due to incompetence or theft overseen by US Airways….We were trying to connect from a US Airways flight to Philadelphia onto another airline, we got separated from our bags, and only the bag with “boring” contents came through – the suitcase containing the “interesting” contents has somehow still not been located!

Best Airlines For Actually Booking And Using Reward Points

Best Airlines For Actually Booking And Using Reward Points

American Airlines and United Airlines, followed by Continental and Northwest.

US Airways CEO to Spend Night In Jail for Drunk Driving

US Airways CEO to Spend Night In Jail for Drunk Driving

At a hearing in Scottsdale City court, Parker “accepted full and total responsibility for his recent DUI charge by entering a guilty plea to this charge (against the advice of his attorney),” US Airways said in a statement.

US Airways CEO Caught Driving Drunk

US Airways CEO Caught Driving Drunk

US Airways CEO Doug “Dear Jerry: I’m Taking Your Airline” Parker was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving charges after being pulled over for driving 65 mph in a 45 mph zone just hours after pulling his company’s hostile bid to acquire Delta Airlines.

US Airways to Delta: "Fine, Keep Your Broke-Ass Airline"

The latest chance at a merger ended yesterday, when US Airways withdrew its $10.2 billion offer for Delta Air Lines, after it failed to win the support of Delta’s creditors, which included the Boeing Company and the federal pension agency.

Delta is determined to go it alone, but analysts are still speculating that eventually Delta will find a partner. Will it be Northwest?

Airline Merger-o-Rama

So, is it good for you or not? More inside.

US Airways: A Window Seat is an Upgrade?

    “I had a ticket on a United Airlines flight that was the second leg of a trip booked though U.S. Airways, so I couldn’t get a seat assignment until I arrived at the gate. When a gate agent got the podium around 11 p.m., I requested a window seat.

Airlines Try $10+ Fare Hikes Again

Airlines Try $10+ Fare Hikes Again

The major airlines got their shit together and are attempting another price raise.

Delta, US Airways, Shorten Frequent Flyer Miles’ Halflife

With nary a peep, Delta and US Airways changed their rules on frequent flyer miles to make redeeming and keeping them even harder for consumers.

American Airlines to ‘Path to 9/11’ Producers: That Was US Airways, You Jackasses

American Airlines to ‘Path to 9/11’ Producers: That Was US Airways, You Jackasses

American Airlines is foaming at the mouth about its depction in the recent ABC telewhatever, The Path to 9/11

Before You Panic, Try FlightAware.com

Before You Panic, Try FlightAware.com

Remember Erica? She was the lady who raged against US Airways for listing her husband’s delayed flight as UNKNOWN, thus spinning her into a terror-induced seizure of fears about exploding airplaines and raising her children as a single parent.

US Airways Flight 723: UNKNOWN

US Airways Flight 723: UNKNOWN

The Nth Best Thing We Have Ever Posted: An Open Letter to US Airways

The Nth Best Thing We Have Ever Posted: An Open Letter to US Airways

Meet David Kerry of the Catalogue of Ships podcast.