Bad moviegoers, you haven’t been spending nearly enough on overpriced concessions. Don’t worry though, AMC is going to make you a promise: if they don’t offer you an upsell on your next visit to the concession stand, you’re going to get a free small bag of popcorn. [More]

Your Wife Doesn't Know Which Console You Have So Best Buy Sells Her Non-Refundable XBOX Live Card
Reader Bang’s says his wife wanted to surprise him (on Valentine’s Day) with a game. She didn’t know what console he had so she asked Best Buy for some help. They said he “probably” had an XBOX and sold her not only a game, but a non-refundable XBOX Live subscription. When the couple tried to exchange the purchase (he actually has a PS3), they say they were told the game could be swapped but they were stuck with the unopened, unused XBOX Live card. [More]

The Verizon Website Is Surprisingly Honest About "Upselling" You
Reader Beth is impressed with the honesty Verizon displays in the title of the webpage where they try to sell you bundled telecom packages.

Postal Employees Ordered To Stop Offering First-Class Mail
Postal employees have been ordered to upsell pricey express or priority mail services to anyone sending anything more than a letter, according to an anonymous tipster. The directive comes straight from Washington to help combat the Post Office’s $1.1 billion operating deficit. To avoid the upsell, specifically ask if there is a cheaper way to ship your package. The anonymous tipster’s letter, inside…

FCC Requires "Consumer Alert" Labels For TVs Affected By The Switch To Digital Television
The FCC will require retailers to warn consumers that certain television models will not work without additional equipment after the conversion to digital television in early 2009. The FCC nicely asked retailers to help educate the public, but concluded that voluntary efforts are “not working.”

UPDATE: Circuit City Ripping Off Xbox 360 Customers
On Friday, we noted an underhanded tactic Circuit City appeared to be foisting on unsuspecting Xbox 360 customers. A sign in their Newport Beach offered to charge customers $29.95 for a product upgrade they would get for free via Live Update or from a Microsoft patch CD.