
United To Unveil Miserly Compensation Policy For Delayed Passengers

United To Unveil Miserly Compensation Policy For Delayed Passengers

  • One (1) $10 airport meal voucher.

  • United Downgrades Frequent Flyer Program Just Another Smidge

    United Downgrades Frequent Flyer Program Just Another Smidge

    United tightened the screws on its frequent flyer program another turn, writes Upgrade: Travel Better:

    For years, Premier members of the Mileage Plus program have received “500-mile” coupons…that upgraded your North American flights from coach to first class. …If you couldn’t use your 500-milers, they’d expire after one year, but all was not lost: They converted to 500 redeemable frequent flyer miles in your account.

    Airlines Salivating Over Open Skies Agreement

    Airlines Salivating Over Open Skies Agreement

    The Trans-Atlantic deregulation agreement known as “Open Skies” has airlines chomping at the bit—even though the start date is still 11 months away, according to USAToday. The agreement will allow any US airline to fly anywhere in the EU and any EU airline to fly anywhere in the US. So, will you be flying Aer Lingus from Cleveland to Dallas? Maybe. Will it be cheaper?

    The Best Of United Airlines

    The Best Of United Airlines

    How would you like to fly from Hawaii to Chicago in an airplane full of cigarette butts, candy, used tissues, pretzel bags, maxi-pad wrappers, crumbs, dirt, pens, balls of “goo”, and god knows what else…

    Drunks On A Plane: Inebriated Concert Pianist Threatens To Murder Flight Attendant

    Drunks On A Plane: Inebriated Concert Pianist Threatens To Murder Flight Attendant

    David S. Howell must have thought he was so smooth: Sneaking a water bottle full of vodka onto a full United flight out of Chicago. Too bad he drank most of its contents in the first 30 minutes, then threatened to kill a male flight attendant.

    Broken Leg? Need Extra Room? Flying United? That'll Be An Extra $54, Please.

    Broken Leg? Need Extra Room? Flying United? That'll Be An Extra $54, Please.

    Our flights via Continental went fine; everyone both on and off the plane was solicitous and helpful. Our bulkhead seats, while not perfect, provided enough legroom to keep her leg straight.

    First Class Meals Get Increasingly Delicious As You Suck On A Pretzel For Sustenance

    First Class Meals Get Increasingly Delicious As You Suck On A Pretzel For Sustenance

    We’ll have to take the New York Times’ word on it, but they say that First Class meals on airlines are getting increasingly decadent as coach passengers cling with desperation to a maxipad-sized package of trail mix. From the NYT:

    Charlie Trotter, the Chicago chef, will soon introduce dishes created for premier United Airlines passengers. (Mr. Trotter’s personal tip? Try the short ribs spiced with Thai-style barbecue sauce.)

    Don't Fly Without A Copy Of Rule 240

    Don't Fly Without A Copy Of Rule 240

    If it’s the airline’s fault that your flight is delayed or canceled or you missed your connection, whip out a copy of their Rule 240.

    Everyone Loves Southwest Airlines, Hates United And US Airways

    Everyone Loves Southwest Airlines, Hates United And US Airways

    The new Airline Quality Rating is out and Southwest airlines received the fewest complaints of any airline in 2006. United and US Airways both tied for the highest number of complaints.

    Air Travel Just Got More Expensive, Again

    Air Travel Just Got More Expensive, Again

    A $5 (each way) fare hike survived through the weekend with all five major carriers adopting it, according to USAToday:

    Bankrupt Delta Air Lines was the first to raise fares last week on flights within the continental United States. The move was quickly matched by rivals.

    Airlines Embrace 'Edgy' Entertainment

    Airlines Embrace 'Edgy' Entertainment

    Since September, United has loosened its restrictions on what types of movies can be shown on jets equipped with overhead screens, which all passengers can see. When the airline played “Little Miss Sunshine” in the fall, an R movie with some ear-curling rants by Alan Arkin, “We got a tremendous amount of positive feedback,” Kovick said.

    Best Airlines For Actually Booking And Using Reward Points

    Best Airlines For Actually Booking And Using Reward Points

    American Airlines and United Airlines, followed by Continental and Northwest.

    We're Sick of These &%*#! Passengers Getting Stuck On These $#!@* Planes!

    We're Sick of These &%*#! Passengers Getting Stuck On These $#!@* Planes!

    Last Saturday, a United Airlines flight sat at O’Hare International Airport for more than eight hours during an icy snowstorm. For entertainment, the passengers got to watch the plane get de-iced several times.

    American, United Passengers Abandoned in Nebraska

    American, United Passengers Abandoned in Nebraska

    American Airlines spokesman Tim Wagner says he’s unaware of what happened in Nebraska, and it isn’t American’s responsibility. “Trans States is responsible,” he says.

    Another Round Of Fare Hikes

    United is following Delta’s lead in another round of fare hikes this week. American also went along for the ride,as airlines raised fares $3-$5 each way. Up, up, and away. —MEGHANN MARCO

    United Continues To Screw Blogger’s Parents Out Of $3000

    It’s been a series of dips and valleys for Mahesh in his battle with United, and the latest is another disappointment.

    United Wants To Make Good To Parents Bilked For $3000

    Looks the blogger whose elderly, recovering-from-surgery parents got bilked for $3000 after United Airlines lost their airlines, is finally catching a break.

    United Still Wants To Screw Parents Bilked For $3000

    Mahesh’s complaint against United bilking his parents for $3000 moves two steps forward, one step back. A United rep called him back: