
Someone At US Airways Is Probably Getting Fired After Posting Photo Of Plane-As-Sex-Toy

Someone At US Airways Is Probably Getting Fired After Posting Photo Of Plane-As-Sex-Toy

Among the many insulting, insensitive, rude, crude, and accidental Tweets that companies have sent out over the years, the incredibly NSFW photo (unless you happen to work in the porn industry) that got posted today by the US Airways Twitter account will probably go down as one of the most embarrassing. [More]

Yes, Tweeting “Jokes” To An Airline About “Doing Something Big” Can Get You Arrested

Yes, Tweeting “Jokes” To An Airline About “Doing Something Big” Can Get You Arrested

Although sometimes it can feel like engaging in social media is akin to shouting into a bottomless pit and no one is really listening, you better be sure that if you claim to be part of a terrorist group planning “something” big and tweet that to a major airline, well, someone’s going to hear you. And maybe put you in jail. [More]

Report: 44% Of Twitter Accounts Have Never Issued A Single Tweet

Report: 44% Of Twitter Accounts Have Never Issued A Single Tweet

If someone who signs up for a Twitter account but then fails to ever launch a single tweet, can we call said person a Twitter “user”? Or is there some other name for the 44% of all Twitter account holders who have never tweeted, perhaps “The Untweeted,” à la Game of Thrones or “Career Lurkers”? [More]

Report: Hackers Would Rather Steal Your Twitter Account Than Your Credit Card

Report: Hackers Would Rather Steal Your Twitter Account Than Your Credit Card

You keep an eye on your credit report and fastidiously pore over each and every statement to guard against identity theft and a drained bank account, and that’s good. But a new report says stolen Twitter accounts are more valuable to hackers on the black market than a stolen credit card number, so keep that password close as well. [More]

Which Airlines Are The Fastest & Slowest At Responding To Customers On Twitter?

Which Airlines Are The Fastest & Slowest At Responding To Customers On Twitter?

Complaining on Twitter can often feel like trying to shout to someone across the street with a noisy parade going down the middle. And that disconnect can often get worse when trying to get the attention of a big company with hundreds or thousands of people vying for attention. Some companies now go to great lengths to make sure that customers get some sort of response within minutes, but is that response of any value? [More]

Social Media To Get Less Sexy As Vine Bans Porn And Most Nudity

Social Media To Get Less Sexy As Vine Bans Porn And Most Nudity

While most Vine users only post short, looped videos of their adorable cats, or of them and their friends making funny faces into the camera, there is apparently a subset of Viners who have been using the service to share their most private moments. But that’s coming to an end, with Vine announcing last night that it will no longer allow sexually explicit content. [More]

Twitter Freaks Everyone Out By Accidentally Sending A Bunch Of Password Reset Emails

Twitter Freaks Everyone Out By Accidentally Sending A Bunch Of Password Reset Emails

If you received an email from Twitter telling you to change your password and do it now, take a deep breath and don’t panic. You (probably) weren’t hacked and it’s not a phishing scam — someone at Twitter basically hit the wrong button late last night and sent an email to a bunch of people that weren’t meant to get it. [More]

More Money, More Women And More Countries Featured In 2014 Forbes Billionaires List

More Money, More Women And More Countries Featured In 2014 Forbes Billionaires List

The world’s wealthiest individuals are taking over from the looks of the 2014 Forbes Billionaire List. This year’s list has more billionaires, more women and reaches more areas in the world than ever before. [More]


Woman Spends Harrowing 45 Minutes Locked Inside Department Store, Live-Tweets The Experience

When you try to leave a store only to discover that you’ve been locked inside and no one is around to help, many thoughts may cross your mind. “I’ve got to tweet this” probably won’t be one of them, but you’re not the Canadian writer who spent a harrowing 45 minutes or so locked inside a Hudson’s Bay store in Toronto. [More]

One Month After Being Hijacked, Twitter Finally Restores @N Account To Rightful User

One Month After Being Hijacked, Twitter Finally Restores @N Account To Rightful User

Several weeks ago, the Internet was abuzz with the story of how hackers had taken advantage of idiocy at Paypal and GoDaddy to hijack developer Naoki Hiroshima’s personal website and hold it hostage until he handed over the keys to his coveted @N Twitter handle. Now comes the good news that Twitter has finally put that account back under the control of the person it originally belonged to. [More]

Man Claims He Was Burned Having Relations With A Pizza, Domino’s Responds Perfectly

Man Claims He Was Burned Having Relations With A Pizza, Domino’s Responds Perfectly

Listen, pizzas are for eating. Whatever else you do with them — and we won’t judge you but also do not necessarily want to know — you’re probably on your own, so far as injuries go. That being said, whoever runs the Domino’s UK Twitter account is more than patient than someone else might be when dealing with complaints of alleged burns incurred during pizza fornication. [More]

One In Every 13 Words On Twitter Is The Kind We Can’t Use In This Post

One In Every 13 Words On Twitter Is The Kind We Can’t Use In This Post

Scientific research is the most fun when it can tell us something about our f*&%@*# selves. Oh, pardon me, I was just writing as one might on Twitter, where apparently one in every 13 words is the kind we can’t use in polite company, much less in this post. Hi, Mom! [More]

Consuming the World Wide Web, one potato shape at a time.

Birds Eye Creates “Mashtags” Potato Shapes So You Can Eat The Internet

Because it’s just not enough to consume the Internet with your eyes/brain, Birds Eye is trying to get people to eat the darn thing with its new Twitter-themed “Mashtags” potato shapes. Ah yes, potato shapes — the redheaded step children of French fries and tater tots. [More]

(Tom Raftery)

Get Your Health Insurance Company’s Attention: Use Twitter

Over at ProPublica, they recently learned what we at Consumerist have known since 2008: when you’re having customer service trouble, sometimes the best way to use alternate means to get the attention of someone who can help you. Propublica discovered that some consumers are using Twitter to navigate the intensely personal and deeply confusing world of health insurance. [More]

GoDaddy Admits Maybe It Should Have Helped User With Hijacked Account

GoDaddy Admits Maybe It Should Have Helped User With Hijacked Account

Earlier this week, developer and long-time Twitter user Naoki Hiroshima lost his coveted, valuable Twitter handle (@N) after hackers took control of his personal website via GoDaddy and held it hostage until he released the account. Last night, GoDaddy finally admitted that maybe it should have listened to Hiroshima when he first contacted the company. [More]

Hacker Hijacks Website In Extortion Attempt, GoDaddy Refuses To Talk To Actual Owner

Hacker Hijacks Website In Extortion Attempt, GoDaddy Refuses To Talk To Actual Owner

It’s the modern-day bureaucratic nightmare — Someone steals something that belongs to you, and the one party that could easily do something about it refuses to listen to you because its records show that the thief is the rightful owner. According to developer Naoki Hiroshima, someone lusted after his Twitter handle (@N) so badly that they went to great lengths, hijacking his personal website in a (sadly successful) extortion attempt. [More]

Just a small sampling of the anti-McDonald's Tweets using the #CheersToSochi hashtag.

McDonald’s Olympics Social Media Campaign Backfires, Transforms Into Pro-LGBT Protest

McDonald’s attempt at using Twitter to promote its role in the upcoming Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, has not gone exactly as the fast food chain planned — that is, unless it planned for the LGBT community to use this campaign as a way to publicly shame the company for its sponsorship of the games. [More]

Former Senate Majority Leader Takes His United Airlines Hatred Public

Former Senate Majority Leader Takes His United Airlines Hatred Public

Here’s a reminder that the airlines hate us all, no matter how wealthy you are or what positions of power you may have held. [More]